Monday 29 February 2016

"I Served Rev. King Stark-Unclad,With No Pant Or Bra For 7 Years" - Former Maid

Miss Susan Chizoba, a former maid to the General Overseer of Christ Praying Assembly (CPA),Rev. Emeka King, was one of those who testified against him before an Ikeja High Court in 2006. At the time, Rev. King was on trial for the murder of one of his members, Miss Ann Uzor and attempting to murder five others by pouring petrol on them and setting them ablaze. Testifying at the trial in October 2006, Miss Chizoba informed the court that she was taken to the church in 2000 by her parents believing it to be a Christian home but that her parents stopped coming to the church six months later while she lived with Rev. King for seven years.

In her words, Miss Chizoba, testifying at the court said: “When I came to live with the accused (Rev. King), he told me that I would be his permanent maid and that I would agree not to marry. He said anytime I wanted to serve him I must be stark Unclad which I did. No pant, no bra, I would be completely Unclad before him and I did this not once, not twice, but for several years. He also ordered me not to tell any member of my family where I was living. He gave me a ring which I always put on to indicate that I am his permanent maid and all this he made me to put into writing. I am a member of the Lord’s army and we bully people, putting fear into them and molesting them.

“The accused(Rev. King) is a very violent person, he would beat us mercilessly and as a result we always have wounds on our bodies. He called himself god, the owner of the universe and could do anything. We know this is not so but out of fear we could not challenge him. On the 22nd July 2006 the day of the fire incident, a sister named Kelechi came to call me from the Boys Quarter of the accused’s house where we were staying that the accused wanted to see me.

"When I got to him he did not even allow me to kneel down as we usually did when talking to him before he started beating me with stick, rod and anything he could find. I started crying, shouting and begging him not to kill me. It was then I noticed others who were there; Cosy, Chiejile, Jessica, Ann, Vivian and Kelechi. He accused me that I lied to him that Chiejile did not sleep with me whereas Chiejile had confessed to him that he slept with me. But Chiejile never did he only said that so that the accused will not kill him.

"He said he would kill all of us. He then asked Kelechi to go and bring fuel and matches but when she brought it he told her that the petrol was not enough and that she should go and bring more which was brought in a very large plastic container. He then marched us out of the room saying he did not want to burn his rug and chair. While we were outside his room but within the church compound Kelechi poured petrol on us on his orders and he struck the first match which did not catch fire.

"When he struck the second match we were all engulfed in fire but I did not know how I managed to escape from there and I ran back to our apartment. When I noticed that Ann had been taken to the hospital, I ran out in my night gown and I never came back to the church. I came out of the place by the grace of God, I am free now, I am no longer under the spell of the accused person.”

FederalPoly Oko Diverting Staff Salary For Over 12 Years

Just when you have heard the worst of corruption and maltreatment in the Nigerian civil service, Federal Polytechnic Oko will surprise you with something worse.

Staff of the Polytechnic Staff Secondary of the Federal Polytechnic Oko recently made a shocking discovery: their managment have been paying them way below their government stipulated salary for over 12 years and they didn't know. And the difference, amounting to over N1 Billion has been consistently diverted every month to people in the managment of the Polytechnic. About 32 of the Staff school have been discovered to be victims of this thick web of deciet and stealing.

This is a summary of the situation written by the affected staff.

Date: 23/2/2016

We are employed, documented, confirmed and well numbered, with due employment service numbers, into Federal Polytechnic Workforce between 2002 and 2007

For the 1st 19 months of our employment we were not paid salaries. After the 1st 19 months, we are given only a 3rd of our monthly salaries ever since.

We came to know our true salary status after registering with First Guarantee Pension Limited (FGPL) in 2006, and our pension updates started coming in hard and soft copies from 2006 to date, reflecting what our true salaries are. Embarrassed at the discrepancy between the payment we receive and the salary reflected from the pension updates, we consulted the FGPL head office, Lagos and the FGPL marketers who registered us. They confirm that Federal Government, through PENCOM, remits our pension contribution to FGPL from the staff nominal roll sent to them by Federal Polytechnic Oko, which includes our names for us to have been receiving our pension updates. Where then are the salaries that gave rise to the pension contributions for these 14 years.

Our housing allowances also get lost with our salaries since employment.

We have cried out, in several ways, to the Polytechnic Management and Council against this injustice all these years to no avail.

From June 2015 to date (as at February 23, 2016), we have not received a dime at all of even that smaller payment being given to us in place of our true salary.

OUR APPEAL is that all our diverted salaries, over the years, be given to us and all our present and future rightful salaries and employment benefits be made sure to us. We are duly employed, confirmed, documented, numbered and pensioned staff of Federal Polytechnic Oko, who have partaken in several Staff Audits of the institution. (See the attached staff list with our service numbers).

All evidence relating to these assertions are well documented and intact.

How could something like that happen, and for that long?

Like most people in the Federal service, they (the staff) were invited to apply for jobs, when they were employed, they were led to believe that they were employed by the Polytechnic, rather than by the Federal government. So the management convinced them that , since they were in the Staff Secondary section, the Polytechnic (instead of the Federal Government) is responsible for paying their salaries. Being grateful to have a job, they didn't question it. Using that as a covering over their eyes, the Management kept diverting up to 60% of their salaries and giving them a little piece of what rightly belongs to them. Frequently, even the little they get were withheld and delayed for up to 3 months. This means that their colleagues that are working in the Polytechnic will have received their salaries and they will be left waiting, sometimes, they will teach for a whole term and not get paid, even though the Government has released the salaries. But since they have been convinced that they were not Government employees, they didn't complain, and they didn't suspect any foul play until PENCOM came along.


Sometime in 2006, 2 marketers from First Guarantee Pensions Limited (FGPL), a Pension Funds Administrator (PFA), came to them and told them asked them to register for a Retirement Savings Account (RSA). An RSA is an account where your pensions are deposited until you are ready to retire. Nigerian Pensions Commission allows people to choose a Pension Funds Administrator (PFA) that will manage your pension, just like you choose a bank to manage your money. This is to make it easy to withdraw your pension from your Retirement Savings Account (RSA) whenever you retire without delays. Most of them didn't really understand Pensions RSA when they created the account.

This is how it works. When they create the account, they get a PENCOM ID. When it is nearing payday, the woman in charge of pensions in the school (name withheld) sends the Nominal Roll of all the Staff of the Polytechnic being paid by the Federal Government to PENCOM, along with their PFA account, PENCOM ID Payslip, Passports and Appointment Letters. Then PENCOM can verify that they are Government employees, identify their employer, calculate their pensions and identify the PFA (in this case, First Guarantee) to pay it into. So whenever the government releases money for salaries, if PENCOM has recieved the Nominal Roll, they will send the pensions directly to the PFAs then the rest of the salary is sent to the school. Like every other bank account, as soon as money is deposited into the RSA, the staff get a credit alert. Periodically (sometimes, monthly), they got statement letters showing their monthly Pension contributions and the balance. And that was how suspicion started.

Now according to PENCOM act, pension is 15% of your gross salary, part of which is deducted from your salary every month and deposited into your RSA. The 15% is split between you and your employer, 7.5% each. So assuming your gross salary is N100, N7.5 is deducted from your salary, and your employer will bring the other N7.5 to make N15. So N92.5 is credited into your salary account, and N15 is credited into your RSA. So to get your gross salary from your pension, multiply the pension by 100 and divide by 15. PENCOM will specify in the RSA statement that the deposit came from your employer.

So when these people were getting the alert for the their RSA they kept wondering how they were contributing over N13,000 to an RSA when their salary is just over N50,000. When they became highly suspicious was when they kept getting RSA credit alerts when they haven't received received salary for that month. Sometimes they get RSA alert for 3 months and no credit alert from the Polytechnic. The staff, one of whom tragically died during one of those months in 2013, usually have no other source of income and have to endure long hardship when their salaries are denied them by the Polytechnic. It was baffling to them how they would be tucking away over N13,000 when they haven't received a kobo. That was what led to the investigations that uncovered this story. Over 30 staff, almost all of whom work with the Staff School division of the Polytechnic, discovered that this has been going on since they have been employed. In the case of one of them who has been employed there for 13 years, she has been receiving less than 60% of her entitlement since she was employed. The sum of all the monies that have been diverted from their salaries since all 33 (or so) of them have been employed is over N1 billion. Lecturers and other staff that work in the Polytechnic did not know about this injustice because they didn't experience it. They were paid fully when due. As at the time of this writing, they have only just received their June, 2015 salary. They haven't been paid for July 2015 to January 2016.

Various attempts have been made by the affected Staff to communicate with the management but they have been threatened with sack and reminded that they were employed by the Polytechnic and not Government. Any of one in the Senior level management that has tried to look into the matter has been cautioned till they backed off. Up till recently, the teachers, most of whom are elderly people were too scared to loose their jobs, and of long legal procedures that might leave them out of job and delay the remunerations they seek.

Two week ago, the SSS summoned the affected staff and the management of Polytechnic to Awka investigate the matter. Apparently, the management didn't know the staff were receiving RSA alerts. They denied knowing anything about the Pension deposits, insisting that they paid the correct salary. The claimed that the pension amount which they manually input on the payment sheet (see payment slip pic) was their real pension, but couldn't prove where it was deposited. After the meeting one of management reps was reported to have lamented the RSA alerts and claimed that he will stop the alerts.

The SSS said they will invite them to Abuja for further inquiry, but at this point, the staff involved are making frantic efforts to get the justice so they don't get victimized, the management is making frantic efforts to cover up their terrible injustice and hide the trails and we are making frantic efforts to make the public aware of the situations. Hopefully the EFCC and concerned Agencies will launch an investigation into the matter and make some arrest. Hopefully, justice will be served quickly and the staff will be refunded what is due them.

For more about this situation you can send a mail to or call Mrs Obi on 08037371914 (Vice Principal) or Mr. Awgu Stephen on 08063761322 (Principal).

UPDATE: They will be going to Abuja to meet with the SSS this coming Tuesday.


Picture 1 is the list of all the staff that are affected. Names have been covered to protect their identities. Notice their current salary they receive from the Polytechnic beside the confirmation year, their pension contribution which is 7.5% of their salary, and the actual government stipulated salary at the last column.

Picture 2 is the RSA of one of the affected staff.

Picture 3 is payment slips used by the polytechnic to pay them in January, July, August and September 2009 . Notice that their gross pay is N60,218. Also Notice that January 2009 salary (first column) was paid on 3rd of March 2009. Notice also that there are multiple deductions from the gross pay, including NAT PENSION (written with a pen). None of those deductions are even legitimate. These deductions drop their net take home to N53,338

Picture 4 is the section of the RSA statement showing January, July, August and September 2009 Pension contributions (the months on the payslip in Picture 3). The contributions from employer and employee was N7375.58 respectively, each of which is 7.5% of the true salary. This puts the actual salary for those months at N98,341, but instead this teacher was paid N53,338 for each of those 3 months.

Picture 5 is a the last part of the RSA statement showing pension contributions from January to September 2015 and
Picture 6 shows sample SMS alert from FGPL showing December 2015 contribution.

But up till today, they have only received up to June 2015. They have not been paid anything for July 2015 till date.

Army arrests 4 Boko Haram suspects responsible for Madalla Catholic Church bombing

The alleged Boko Haram surveillance of the Christmas day bomb blast that killed about 44 persons and wounded over 75 others at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church at Madalla, Niger State has been arrested at Alkaleri town of Bauchi by the Nigeria Army.

The surveillance Victor Moses who was arrested hovering around a mosque in Alkaleri town claiming that he want to convert to Islam.

Victor Moses who hailed from Benue state was arrested along other three suspects Abubakar Shetima Bama, Salisu Mohammed Bello and Umar Madaki.

The suspects were paraded before the Chief Army Staff, Lt General Tukur Yusuf Buratai who was in Bauchi on an official engagement in Bauchi.

Parading the suspects before newsmen at Shadawanka Barrack in Bauchi on Monday, the Brigade Commandant of 33 Artillery Brigade, Bauchi, Brigadier General Abraham Luka Dusu said the suspects were arrested following information from the public.

He said ” our troops on duty in Alkaleri arrested Victor Moses after receiving report from the people in the area that the suspect, Victor Moses has been loitering around the mosque claiming that he is a Christian and want to convert to Islam but because he is not from the area, they suspected him and reported to our men.

“Victor Moses confessed that he is conducting surveillance for Boko Haram sometimes he stays in the shop Of Abubakar Shetima Bama who is based in Jos while the other two accomplice, Salisu Mohammed Bello and Umar Madaki are based in Gombe.

 “With the information given to our men by Victor Moses, the other three suspects were arrested,” he said. Brig General Dosu said the suspects after investigation will be handed over to Joint Intelligent Centre in Maiduguri for further interrogation.

We are compelled to support Buhari’s administration, says Ohaneze chieftain

The Chairman of Ohaneze Ndigbo in Anambra, Chief Chris Eluemuno, has said that the organisation is bound to support President Mohammadu Buhari in the interest of the Igbo.

Eluemuno told newsmen on Sunday after being conferred with the traditional title of “Ogbuefi Nwajiugo” by his Nkwelle- Ezunaka community in Anambra that the apex socio-cultural organisation had no choice but to partner with the government.

“Ohaneze has no choice than to partner with the Federal Government because we are not there to support any political party but to support any government in power in the interest of the Igbo. “We are bound to support President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration in the interest of the Igbo,” Eluemuno said.

 He, however, urged Buhari to consider more appointments for the people of the zone and fulfill his promises in the infrastructural development of the zone, especially the roads and the Second Niger Bridge. “If you give good roads, power supply, water and other enabling environment for businesses to thrive to the Igbo man, he will do wonders because he is industrious,” Eluemuno said.

The Ohaneze chieftain also advised the Igbo to imbibe traditional discipline and guard against bearing the ‘Eze Ndigbo’ title outside their indigenous communities. “If you are an Igbo leader outside your indigenous community, call yourself one, but don’t bear the `Eze Ndigbo’ title.

 “We in Ohaneze have said that it is no longer acceptable for people to bear such titles as Eze Ndigbo in the Diaspora,” he said. Eluemuno advised the various communities to mete out punishments to their sons who bore the title Eze in Diaspora.

The Ohaneze chieftain said that chieftaincy title taking in Igbo land signified respect, identity and accomplishments. He assured his people that the title given to him would spur him to do more for them. He commended Gov. Willie Obiano of Anambra, members of Ohaneze Ndigbo, state functionaries and stakeholders for gracing the occasion.

Thief Locks Himself Inside Victim’s Car (photo)

Detectives attached to the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSRAS), Ikeja, Lagos State Police Command, have arrested a burglar, who mistakenly locked himself inside a victim’s car. The suspect, Jamiu Anisoro, used to burgle cars with an iron rod, sharpened and shaped into a key. He burgled a car on premises of Mainland Hotel, Oyingbo, Oto Railway Ebute-Metta and got trapped inside the car, leading to his arrest.

When the car owner came out, he saw Anisoro inside his car and alerted the police. Although the key had opened many car boots and doors, it, however, had a clause. Once it has opened a door, the door would become faulty. The master or normal key wouldn’t be able to operate the door again.

A police source said: “Anisoro specialises in opening vehicles with a master key. He got a rod and sharpened it into the shape of a key. His modus operandi is to watch motorists coming to Oyingbo Market. After the person parks, he would find out where the person is going.

He monitors where the person is heading. He would go back to where the victim’s car is parked. “But before heading to the targeted car, he would carry two bags, filled with used papers. He would use the master key to open the car door, pretending to be the owner or driver. He would pick phones, money and other valuables.

He would drop the bags filled with old newspaper into the car and leaves. People watching him would think he came to drop some items he bought inside his car; they wouldn’t know he is a burglar.” Anisoro confessed to the police that he targeted victims in the morning and evening. He usually steals phones, wallets and other valuables inside parked vehicles. According to him, he used to sell some of such stolen items at Computer Village, Ikeja.

“There was a time he saw nylon inside a car at Ido, Oyingbo. The nylon was under the seat of a car he burgled. He found N150,000. He used the money to rent a house. He used the balance to buy tools for cobbling. He wanted to start cobbling which was his professional job,” the police source added.

Anisoro, however, soon ran out of money. He decided to go for the last operation. The last operation was the one that landed him in police net. On the fateful day of his arrest, he had tailed a car owner who drove into Mainland Hotel, Oyingbo. Immediately the man stepped out of his car, Anisoro followed him closely. Anyone watching would think he was the man’s driver or came with the man. As the man walked into the hotel, Anisoro went him into the hotel reception.

N3.6tr Rail Contract Bypasses FEC Approval

The N3.6 trillion ($12 billion) standard coastal railway line contract awarded before the 2015 elections did not follow regulations guiding contract award, a House of Representatives committee has revealed in an interim report.
The contract was awarded by the government of former President Goodluck Jonathan to the Chinese construction giant, CCECC.

The rail line is to run from Calabar, through the president’s native village of Otuoke in Bayelsa State to Lagos.
However, the interim report of the House Ad-hoc committee, which is investigating railway contracts from 2010 to 2014, has unearthed serial breaches of the Public Procurement Act and other laws.

The committee, chaired by Rep Johnson Ehiozuwa (PDP, Edo), was set up to investigate the activities of the Federal Ministry of Transport, the SURE-P programme and the management of Nigerian Railways Corporation from 2010 to 2014.
A scrutiny of the 20-page report, exclusively obtained by Daily Trust, shows that almost 40 railway contracts reviewed were breached in one way or the other.

The anomalies range from multi-billion contracts awarded without competitive bidding; contractors without verifiable cognate railway experience or using the names of international companies to secure contracts but executed without their involvement.
The report is also replete with evidence of contracts awarded without proper documentation and at inflated costs, as well as contract manipulation without the involvement of the Board of the Nigerian Railway Corporation.

In the case of the N3.6 trillion costal rails the report revealed that there was no competitive bidding even as the cost was inflated.
Also, there was no cogent feasibility study or independent technical assessment or advice and no front end engineering design (FEED) or even preliminary design, the report said.
It is mandatory for major contracts to get the approval of the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP), but in this case the bureau had refused to approve the contract because the cost was inflated and there was no funding plan.

Contracts also routinely must be approved by the Federal Executive, but the council was bypassed this time around.
The Jonathan government allegedly went ahead and signed the contract even without the approval of both the bureau and the FEC, the report said.
“FMT (Federal Ministry of Transport) entered into a commercial contract with CCEEE/CRCC on November 19, 2014. The award did not obtain a ‘no objection’ certificate from the BPP due to the absence of a verifiable funding plan”, the report stated.

It added: “It was not presented to FEC (Federal Executive Council) and there was no constitutional approval for this contract; indeed the contract was signed a week after the BPP refused a ‘no objection’ certificate and insisted it was overpriced.”
This, according to the report, is contrary to the preamble in the contract document which claims that all due process steps were complied with and that the BPP issued a no objection certification no: BPP/DG2014/2162 dated November 12, 2014.

“An examination of the records indicates that a letter bearing the same reference number and same date was written to the Minister of Transport by the BPP giving reasons a no objection certificate could not be issued”, the report stated.
The report said the preamble clauses in the contract document further disclosed that the former President (Goodluck Jonathan) granted anticipatory approval for the award of the contract vide a letter with reference number: Pres/99/MT/203 dated November 17, 2014.

“In the absence of sight of the purported presidential letter, no comment can be made on its adequacy save that, there is no provision in the Procurement Act for anticipatory approvals,” the report stated.
The CCECC had told the committee that work was yet to commence and that no payment had yet been made.
However, the committee feared that certain caveats in the contract may not adequately protect the current government from financial liability if it decides to stop the contract or is unable to find the $12bn required to fund it.

Other railway projects
The report also provided the status of other railway projects awarded between 2009 and 2014. These include the Kaduna to Idu standard gauge contract also awarded to CCECC on October 22, 2009 at the cost of $849million for a period of 4 years. Its consultancy was awarded to TEAM for $318million.
However, work did not begin until February 2011. On May 13, 2015, there was a variation in cost shooting the total sum to $1.04billion while the completion date was extended to December 31, 2015, a date which has not been achieved, the report noted.

While the Ministry of Transport told the committee CCECC had to date been paid $769.8million, the contractor said it had received $792million.
Also, the committee report revealed that site operations were yet to commence on the Lagos – Ibadan standard gauge contract which was awarded to CCECC on August 28, 2012 to be executed in 36 months. The contractor claimed it was yet to receive any money in respect of the contract which is about 40 months late.

Among past chairmen of the NRC who were invited by the ad-hoc committee to explain their roles in the award and implementation of the contracts were: Alhaji Bamanga Tukur (2014-2015); Alhaji Kawu Baraje (2011-1013); Ambassador Ladan Shuni (2011) and Alhaji Bello Mohammed Haliru (2009-2011).
While Alhaji Bello was said to have failed to attend the committee’s hearing, Tukur and Shuni were said to have attended. “Each took turn to disown any involvement in the award of contracts at the NRC. Ambassador Shuni ...also denied the existence of any report in respect to any such investigation”, the report said.

Although the committee described its interim report as “report of an investigation in progress” and offered no recommendation, a member of the committee who spoke with Daily Trust in confidence said: “This is only a tip of the iceberg because we have not even started the technical review to look into the execution of the contracts.
“All we have reviewed so far are the contract documents and not the physical work to see whether the work has been done or not, if it is true when they tell us that they have completed 90% of the work and paid the contractor. What we know is that the contractors have all but one disappeared into thin air,” it said.

All Winners Of The 88th Academy Awards

Best Picture

Alejandro G. Iñárritu

Actress in a Leading Role
Brie Larson, Room

Actor in a Leading Role
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant

Original Screenplay
Spotlight, Josh Singer and Tom McCarthy

Adapted Screenplay
The Big Short, Charles Randolph and Adam McKay

Actress in a Supporting Role
Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl

Costume Design
Mad Max: Fury Road, Jenny Beavan

Achievement in Production Design
Mad Max: Fury Road, Production Design: Colin Gibson; Set Decoration: Lisa Thompson

Makeup and Hair Design
Mad Max: Fury Road, Lesley Vanderwalt, Elka Wardega and Damian Martin

The Revenant, Emmanuel Lubezki

Film Editing
Mad Max: Fury Road, Margaret Sixel

Sound Editing
Mad Max: Fury Road, Mark Mangini and David White

Sound Mixing
Mad Max: Fury Road, Chris Jenkins, Gregg Rudloff and Ben Osmo

Visual Effects
Ex Machina, Andrew Whitehurst, Paul Norris, Mark Ardington and Sara Bennett

Animated Short Film
Bear Story, Gabriel Osorio and Pato Escala

Animated Feature Film
Inside Out, Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera

Actor in a Supporting Role
Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies

Documentary Short
A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy

Documentary Feature
Amy, Asif Kapadia and James Gay-Rees

Live Action Short Film
Stutterer, Benjamin Cleary and Serena Armitage

Foreign Language Film
Son of Saul (Hungary)

Original Score
The Hateful Eight, Ennio Morricone

Original Song
"Writing on the Wall" (Spectre), Sam Smith and Jimmy Napes


Social Media: Nobody Can Gag Nigerians- Dele Momodu

Ovation Publisher and former Presidential candidate, Chief Dele Momodu has said that any plan to gag social media will fail, saying Nigerians are resilient people and will not succumb to such threat.

Speaking during his keynote address, “The Power of Social Media,” at the City People Social Media Awards held on Sunday in Lagos, Momodu said Nigerians survived the move by erstwhile dictator, Gen Sani Abacha’s plan to gag the citizens, hence attempt by government of the day to ban social MEDIA WILL FAIL.

“Any attempt to gag us will fail. It will never happen. Abacha tried and failed. Any attempt by any government to stop social media will fail. It is not about protests in the streets, or security agents going after you. Some of us fled this country during Abacha. I was involved with Freedom Radio, sometimes we had to broadcast using the phone. But with the social media, from your room, you can talk to millions of people and no one can stop you.”

The Ovation publisher also said that after the magic of electricity and telephone, the social media is the greatest invention by man. On how he became a social media influence, he said the journey started in 2010 with Facebook.

‘’I started using Social media in 2010, Facebook was the most common one then, When I got on Twitter not long after, I actually asked people to manage my account. I just past instruction that I want an announcement on the micro-blogging platform and it is carried out.

‘’But by January 2012, during the fuel subsidy protests, I realised how powerful the 140 character on Twitter has when I decided to reach out to a lot of people as I was the only one who carried a banner and protested in London, US, Ghana and Nigeria. I had about 13, 000 followers when I took over the management of the Twitter account; since then I have been addicted.

“The power of the social media is huge; you can reach millions in seconds. We are witnesses’ to what the change agents of the APC were able to do with the candidature of President Buhari,” he said. He urged youth not to underestimate the power inherent in new media considering the reach influence people from the corner of one’s bedroom.

MASSOB accuses Ohanaeze youths of betraying Ndigbo

Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign States of Biafra, MASSOB, has accused the youth wing of the pan Igbo socio political organoisation, Ohanaeze Ndigbo Youth Council, OYC, Worldwide, of betraying the people of the South East zone through its claims that Ndigbo do not want an independent nation of their own and would remain in a united Nigeria.

MASSOB accused the group of turning history on its head by asserting that the forefathers of Ndigbo having fought for indepedendence of Nigeria, would not leave the nation. In a statement signed by MASSOB’s National Director of Information, Sunny Okereafor, the group described OYC a misguided organization who have decided to close their eyes to the years of marginalisation of Ndigbo in Nigeria including the treatment of its people as second class citizens in a country which they are one of the major stakeholders.

Okereafor disclosed that MASSOB had uncovered plans by the Federal Government and the enemies of Ndigbo to sponsor some Igbo youths to to protest against Biafra, stressing that with the activities of OYC, it had no doubt that the group is up to mischief with the manner it has castigated the Biafra struggle. According to the statrement, “ MASSOB is worried by the activities of this group which calls itself Ohanaeze Youth Council Worldwide led by one Mazi Okechukwu Isiguzoro. We have continued to watch with dismay how a purported Igbo group could lend itself as a willing tool against the interest of Ndigbo. What does the Ohanaeze youth Council seek to achieve by its suspicious visit to Northern monarchs and politicians.

How many times had the Ohaneze Youths led by Okechukwu Isiguzoro spoke against the killing of pro Biafra agitators, the non appointment of Ndigbo to higher political offices and the branding of Ndigbo as second class citizens? Had it occurred to Isiguzoro and his group that Ndigbo have the worst network of roads in the country and yet, has received the smallest allocation for road projects in the annual budgets? How many times have they spoken against this evil practice?

Blame NNPC for fuel scarcity, says PTD

The Petroleum Tankers Drivers (PTD) Branch of National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) has blamed the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for the fuel scarcity in some parts of the country.

PTD National Chairman Comrade Salimon Akanni Oladiti, who spoke in an interview with reporters in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, said oil marketers were not hoarding fuel.

“We are not conniving with anybody to make Nigerians suffer for fuel. For some time now, we have not been able to load at NNPC depot in Apata, Ibadan and there is no hope of loading in some other NNPC depots in the Southwest.

“Government is responsible for this problem, because if they bring enough oil into the country, we as distributors we are ready to sell it out. It’s so sad that we are one of the largest producers of oil, but we are still suffering from scarcity,” he said

Oladiti added: “NNPC imports about 75 per cent of the oil we are consuming in the country. The remaining 25 percentage is for major marketers.

“What the government is trying to tackle still exist; corruption is still in the oil industry. There is corruption and bribery at the oil depots and you have to face this hurdle before you can load your truck.”

He noted that government needs to find lasting solution to incessant fuel scarcity, adding: “The common man in the country is suffering.”

He urged the government to embark on aggressive rehabilitations of roads and railway networks

Long queues return to filling stations as fuel scarcity bites harder in Lagos

Long queues of vehicles have returned to filling stations in Lagos. No thanks to fuel scarcity.

Many filling stations did not open for business. Others that opened and sold fuel at the official pump price of N86.50 were observed deducting N50 or N100 from buyers, depending on the quantity of litres they bought.

A visit to some of the filling stations in the metropolis, revealed that the queues of residents buying in jerry cans were longer than that of motorists.

The situation was compounded by poor power supply.

The queues created gridlock along the routes housing filling stations and the highways, especially at the Omole junction to Berger on Lagos-Ibadan road.

A Keke Marwa operator in Agege, Timothy, said he bought 10 litres of fuel and the fuel attendant collected N100 as bribe from him.

He said: “When will I stop to suffer in this country. I couldn’t even say a word when she deducted the money because I was on queue for over six hours. I just needed to work today because we don’t pay for any ticket on Sundays.”

A resident in Oshodi, Mr. Jobi Atobatele, said he had to leave his house to buy fuel because he could not stand the heat.

“I sent my son last night to buy fuel, but he said the queue was long and that they only attended to area boys. I am out today and I must say the situation is not better.

“I will make sure I buy fuel because we hardly have light these days. I refuse to adapt to things like this because it is painful. Everything changed in the country within weeks. Where is the problem from?” he lamented.

Another resident, Joseph, said: “It is a recurring problem that seems to define logic. There is always one explanation or the other. We just need to refine our oil locally. Anything short of that, we will continue to be at the mercy of international suppliers.”

A driver, Mufule Suraj, said he bought petrol in a jerry can last week to avoid long queues.

“I don’t pray to face what happened last year, when I resumed at filling stations at 4am. This fuel scarcity has been happening for about two weeks, but yesterday’s scenario was worse.

“Most of us work freely on Sundays without disturbance from area boys, but today, we bus drivers are at filling stations for tomorrow’s business. We need help in this country. For how long do we want to do this? The Federal Government shouldn’t allow it to exceed this week.”

Babatunde Adisa, an analyst, said it was unfortunate that “Nigerians are still lamenting over scarcity of fuel at this stage of our nationhood”.

“We are one of the largest producers of the product in the world. One would have thought that the current administration would have found a lasting solution to the perennial fuel shortage, which was one of its cardinal points during the electioneering period.

“Already, we can see the effects of fuel scarcity, which include worsening poverty level and rise in inflation. If it is not addressed in time, this scarcity may lead to another social unrest. It appears the oil marketers are literally holding the nation by the jugular. In my view, this is an artificial scarcity,” he said.

Rev. King’s death sentence caused by witches, wizards - Church

Last Friday’s confirmation of the death sentenced passed on General overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly (CPA) Chukwuemeka Ezeugo (aka Rev. King), has been attributed to the handiwork of witches and wizards by his church members.

The members also reaffirmed their belief that Rev. King will be spared the hangman’s noose and “return to join us.”

The self-styled cleric was sentenced to death in 2007 for the burning to death of a member of his church in 2006. He appealed the judgment and lost before the apex court sealed his fate last Friday.

But yesterday during the first church service after the Supreme Court decision at the Lagos headquarters at Ajao Estate, off the Murtala Muhammad Airport Road, Pastor Ifeanyi King, who preached said: “Our G.O. (General Overseer) the most holiness, Rev King, is coming back. He said he would come back and we believe the words of his mouth. We believe his report that he is coming back. Everything happening now we know is the handiwork of witches and wizard. Soon a new story will emerge.”

The preacher added: “Whether people realise it or not, everybody now knows his holiness, our G.O. Rev King. The front pages of newspapers are flooded with his name. People are yearning to read about him in the social media. I can confirm to you that by all these, a lot of people have become endeared to him. Our Daddy G.O. shall live forever for us in Jesus name.”

To every word he uttered, there was a chorus of Amen by the congregation. They sang hymns and danced to mark “the birthday of the G.O.” His death sentence was confirmed on his birthday last Friday.

Pastor Ifeanyi, sported a shaved head and beards like Pastor king. A number of male in the congregation also appeared in the same way. Most of the pastors also use the name King as substitute for their surname.

Nigerian House of Reps members suspend plan to purchase exotic cars

The House of Representatives has put on hold its plans to purchase 360 exotic cars for its members.

Investigations by our correspondent showed that the funds to prosecute the purchase remained the main drawback for the House in taking a final decision on the controversial “utility” or “committee” cars.

“Funding for the cars will come from the 2016 budget. As you are aware, the budget has not been passed. The passage of the budget will decide how much will be available for vehicles,” a House official stated in Abuja.

It was also learnt that the House had yet to decide on the brand of cars to buy for the lawmakers, who were split on whether to settle for Peugeot 508 saloon cars or the 2015 model of Toyota Camry.

Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited reportedly started advertising the 508 series to lawmakers since December 2015 in a bid to get them to patronise the local assembly plant.

The firm was said to have sent catalogues to the House to promote the features of the 508 series.

One senior member of the House told revealed that the cars had not been bought, but insisted that the House would make the purchase at the appropriate time.

The source added, “Look, all these talks will not stop us from buying our utility vehicles. We haven’t bought the vehicles because there is no money yet.

“We are going to buy the cars at the appropriate time. If a minister, who is junior in the order protocol to a legislator, has up to four Land Cruiser SUVs as officials vehicles, why do people think that just one Camry or Peugeot 508 is too much for a member?

“What is the uproar about? That a member is asking to buy a Camry to use for oversight duties is too big?”

The Chairman, House Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Mr. Abdulrazak Namdas, said the House had neither ordered nor taken delivery of the controversial vehicles.

Namdas confirmed that the House would buy the cars when funding was available after the passage of the budget.

“I think this car issue has generated too much hues and cries. The House has not bought any cars for now.

“We will buy cars and the public will know about it because there is nothing to hide, really,” he added.

It can be recalled that eminent Nigerians had criticised the Senate for defying Nigerians, including President Muhammadu Buhari, by going ahead to buy the exotic vehicles, put at about N4.7bn.

Those who flayed the Senate included the Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption, Prof. Itse Sagay (SAN); Senator Femi Okurounmu and Dr. Junaid Mohammed.

The contractor in charge of delivering the vehicles, Lanre Shittu Motors claimed to have delivered a lot of vehicles to the Senate.

The Group Executive Director, Lanre Shittu Motors, Mr. Taiwo Shittu, in an interview with newsmen, stated that a lot of deliveries had been made to the Senate.

The Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, to the Senate President, Alhaji Yusuph Olaniyonu, had, in a statement on Saturday, stated that only one new vehicle had changed in the convoy of his principal, Dr. Bukola Saraki.

Olaniyonu, explained that the new vehicle, a Mercedes Benz, was meant to replace the old spare car in the convoy that the Senate President inherited and had been using since he assumed office in June last year.

Where IsTheChange - Nigerians cry out to the Buhari/APC led administration

Since the 'wind of change' blew away power from the PDP after 16 years and ushered in APC, many Nigerians are still finding it difficult to see the 'CHANGE' promised by the APC/Muhammadu Buhari campaign.

Several Nigerians are currently expressing their mixed feelings over the current state of the nation under President Muhammadu Buhari, barely nine months into his leadership.

While some Nigerians lamented the state of the nation under the current leadership, a few others called for patience, pointing that nine months is too early to judge the administration.

Some of the issues which topped the reactions border on the resurgence of fuel scarcity in parts of the country; the recent killings in four villages of Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State, as a result of the clash between local farmers and Fulani herdsmen; the dramatic U-turn by President Muhammadu Buhari, in Qatar, where he stated that the vulnerable unemployed youths should not expect the N5, 000 welfare package, promised by the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), during the last presidential election campaigns, as well as the current economic crisis rocking the nation. Other issues that topped the reactions on the hash tag, #WhereIsTheChange, that was No. 1 on Twitter Trends, as at Monday afternoon, were the alleged rampant foreign trip by President Muhammadu Buhari; the inflationary cost of consumers’ products; the current erratic power supply across the country, among other issues.

Devaluation: IMF Versus Buhari - Henry Boyo

SOME officials of the International Monetary Fund recently consulted with relevant government agencies to assess the economic impact of the crash in oil revenue and the planned responses for addressing the ‘’near-term vulnerabilities’’ and those fundamental reforms required to sustain inclusive economic growth and reduce poverty.

The team’s recommendations reflect the self-evident need for reforms, which would improve fiscal discipline and reduce imbalance between our export and import values. Also, the report of February 24 re-echoed the need to broaden the tax base and implement measures to boost the ratio of non oil revenue to Gross Domestic Product.

The IMF advised that sustained private sector-driven growth requires a competitive economy, which can evolve with an exchange rate policy that is allowed “to reflect market forces”. It recommended that ‘’restrictions on access to foreign exchange” should be removed.

Although the IMF acknowledges that the Central Bank of Nigeria “lately eased monetary conditions”, the team, however, observes that there is still a ‘’need to ensure a strong and resilient financial sector that can support private sector investment across production segments (including SMEs) at reasonable funding cost’’, these recommendations simply repeat the same old self-evident prescriptions without defining the appropriate supportive medium that would guarantee a cure. For example, if you have not identified the antidote to the poison of systemic surplus naira, how can you restrain inflation and bring down the cost of funds from a clearly prohibitive 20 per cent plus to ‘’more reasonable’’ and supportive 4 -7 per cent interest rate levels that would facilitate industrial consolidation and rapid job creation.

Surprisingly, the IMF report inexplicably shifts attention from the albatross of ‘liquidity surplus’ that undeniably fuels inflation well beyond best practice models below two per cent. Or is there an unwritten law that countries like Nigeria must not also enjoy minimal inflation and truly catalytic low interest rates below six per cent to facilitate inclusive economic growth? Surely, it is not so difficult to understand that all static income earners, particularly, pensioners and other lowly paid workers will expectedly lose 50 per cent of the purchasing value of their income every five years, if inflation continuously trends closer to double digit rate.

Indeed, if the IMF team sincerely expects sustainable inclusive growth for Nigeria, there is no way they would have failed to examine the persistent cause of the systemic surplus naira, which forces the CBN to regularly commit to reckless. Some would say fraudulent, financial mismanagement to fight inflation when it compulsively sets out to restrain borrowing and consumer demand by marginally reducing the persistent irrepressible liquidity challenge, with unreasonably high interest paid on funds which CBN borrows and simply stores as sterile and idle deposits.

Not surprisingly, the banks earn over N500 billion annually from this scam!

Similarly, it is the same threat of inflation that instigates the CBN’s self-flagellating double digit Monetary Policy Rates in place of more supportive rates below two per cent adopted by Monetary Authorities in disciplined and more successful economies.

Instructively, however, if IMF’s recommendation for the ‘’removal of restrictions on access to foreign exchange’’ was adopted, the naira exchange would have since plummeted below N1000 per one dollar with serious economic and social consequences. In such event, the World Bank would step up to advance Nigeria,a dollar denominated loan, with shylock terms, to defend the naira. Regrettably, the Nigerian economy would ultimately unravel and the naira rate will unfortunately track the Ghana cedi, which eventually exchanged for over 10,000 cedi to one dollar with no respite in sight.

Nevertheless, the IMF’s recommendation that the exchange rate should be allowed ‘to reflect market forces’ may seem credible and progressive. The reality, however, is that the naira rate will continue to have absolutely no chance against the dollar if the money market remains deliberately skewed, as it is, with persistently surplus naira liquidity against rationed dollar auctions. The CBN’s monopolistic dollar auctions to banks is certainly not commercial best practice and unfortunately, deliberately provides wide latitude for forex market malpractices in banks.

It is inconceivable that the counterproductive impact of the CBN’s stranglehold on forex supply escaped the notice of the IMF team, despite their advocated faith in competitive market forces for economic growth. Clearly, if the CBN retains its distortional monopoly of dollar supply, serial naira devaluation will, as usual, become inevitable, and ultimately not even a steady rise in crude prices will save us. After all, the naira rate inexplicably remained between ‘weak and static’ even when reserves bountifully approached $60 billion when the oil market was fortuitously very buoyant for several years.

Devaluation does not hold any promise for Nigeria other than the obviously misguided and unrealistic expectation that matching official with parallel market exchange rates will attract foreign investors or ensure competitiveness of the Nigerian economy. Conversely, naira devaluation from 0-50kobo before 1979 to the present N310 to one dollar did not attract much more than about $20 billion in foreign investments, that is a paltry annual average of $540 million. Worse still, foreign investors were ‘smart’ enough to invest primarily in economically and minimally impactful but high-yielding Nigerian government’s bills and bonds!

The unusually wide gap between the official and parallel naira rates may have intuitively engendered the observation that Nigeria’s economy will only become competitive if the naira is devalued and brought closer to the street market rate. Instructively, however, despite series of naira devaluation, Nigeria’s economy remains neither diversified nor internationally competitive. Maybe, as suggested, a further devaluation to N300 per one dollar may just change our fortunes. But, such an expectation must be predicated on the parallel market rate remaining stable. Consequently, if the root cause of the deliberate market imbalance against the naira is not squarely addressed, while the street market rate continues to climb, the call for further devaluation beyond N300 to one dollar will again become clarion from misguided and self-serving experts.

Fortunately, President Buhari is not fooled by the false promises canvassed by advocates of devaluation. The President is sharply aware that the intensity of deepening poverty in Nigeria correlates with the naira’s steady depreciation, even with bountiful reserves.

Buhari certainly recognises that devaluation instigated and has sustained our economy’s debilitating brain drain and the mass migration of our youths to greener pastures.

Besides, another major devaluation will only precipitate Labour’s agitation for wage increases, while pension incomes will invariably gradually become valueless. Furthermore, the inflationary spiral instigated by a major devaluation will further reduce consumer demand and adversely affect investment decisions, with collateral damage for job creation; increased raw material costs and high cost of funds will similarly make imports cheaper than Nigerian products.

Additionally, Nigerian holders (including government) of dollar denominated loans may require 50 per cent more naira to service and repay their debts, while the increased cost of critical plant and equipment will adversely challenge the implementation of the capital budget and may further deepen the projected over 30 percent 2016 budget deficit. Invariably, the operations of critical subsectors such as power, aviation, oil and gas will also be severely challenged if the Naira suffers further devaluation.

If the dollar sells officially for N300 to one dollar and above, fuel price will spiral beyond N130 per litre and make deregulation and the saving of over N1trillion annual fuel subsidy impossible. Sadly, Nigeria’s celebrated Gross Domestic Product of $510 billion will invariably also shrink below $300 billion, while the current stock market capitalisation of about $42 billion will similarly recede below $25 billion and make the market vulnerable to an easy take over by foreign portfolio investors. In short, poverty will deepen nationwide.

In the above circumstances, Buhari must be encouraged to resist further devaluation and save the naira by finding an antidote to the poison of Excess Liquidity.

NFF Apologises To Nigerians, Explains Relationship With Oliseh

The Nigeria Football Federation, NFF, has apologised to Nigerian on the controversies over the sudden resignation of the erstwhile Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh.

In a statement released on Monday, NFF categorically denied Oliseh allegations of either not being respected or of not getting the support of the NFF.

The federation cited the example of paying him three months’ salary in advance as a new coach – something that had never happened previously in Nigeria football- in order to help him settle down. The federation also claimed to have introduced him to their principal partners/sponsors in order to show they had total regard for and was fully supporting the coach.

Oliseh, few minutes before sending his resignation email, the statement added, had written a mail to the NFF President about his trip across Europe to see players. The request the NFF President approved.

NFF while clarifying that Oliseh indeed resigned and was not sacked, insisted that they bear no grudge against him and wished him well in his future andeavours.

In conclusion, NFF seek the forgiveness of Nigerian for any wrong they might have done and asked for understanding and continued support and prayers even as they go through a “very difficult financial situation under which we are working”

The full statement below:

Zimbabwe's Godmother Of Prostitutes Retires After Bedding Over 4000 Men (Photos)

According to The New Zimbabwean News, a woman in her 30 years years long career as a Prostitute, claimed to have served more than 4,000 men. During her legendary career, the 55-year-old Prostitute who goes by the name Sylvia Kandeya with the alias SK, who has decided to go on retirement, used to sleep with more than 7 men per day but now things have changed as she is retiring; and it’s now one or two men per month. She said that's just like a rough estimate as she can't simply remember all the men she has slept. She said they should be more than figure

SK who is considered the godmother of all sex workers in and around the Madondo shopping centre of the MT Darwin Township has a register of all sex workers in the area and they all pay homage to her before plying their trade there.

She has now managed to buy a stand in Mt Darwin Township, built a house and also sent her children to school.

The popular Prostitute told the New Zimbabwe news in an interview that she has sub-divided her house into several rooms where she now allows other Prostitutes stay and pay her rentals. Sometimes when business is low, she gives them time to make money and pay later.

She however boasted that with the coming of young and energetic sex workers, she is not in competition with them because what she does is assist them whenever it's necessary and she has opened a register to know which sex worker is at Madondo shopping centre in case something happens to them.
She wasn't also shy to reveal that she is HIV positive, but was quick to clarify that her retirement is not because she is infected, but age.

Read her interview with New Zimbabwe news below..

SYLVIA KANDEYA (SK) claims to have bedded more than 4000 men during her 30-year sex work life and she has now decided to retire. (NZ) travelled to Mount Darwin to talk to Sylvia about her enterprising career.

NZ: Word has it that you are the godmother of all sex workers in and around Madondo shopping centre and sex workers bow before you; how far true is that?

SK: All sex workers that come and trade here in Mt Darwin and especially here at Madondo Shopping centre pass through me and my register has more than 20 of them.

NZ: But how did you end up being so popular?

SK: The only work that I have done in my life is to sell sex services for close to three decades; I am 55 years now and I don’t remember the exact number of men that I have offered services but kana kuma 4 000 vanosvika (the number may be as high as 4000).

NZ: On average, how many men per day or a week did you sleep with?

SK: (laughs) I used to sleep with more than 7 men per day but now things have changed; I going into retirement, it’s now one or two men per month.

NZ: Did they pay you well?

SK: Oh yes! Very well, I remember years back when men used to have lots of money to spare before mari ye Zimbabwe yadyiwa nemujuru (before the record breaking inflation).

NZ: And where did all that money go?

SK: I managed to buy a stand here in Mt Darwin Township, built a house and I also sent my children to school.

NZ: You said you have more than 20 sex workers under you; do they pay to be registered or…?

SK: No no no, they don’t pay me anything, but kana zviri ku fire (if business is good) they usual pay a token of appreciation.

Remember, I have sub-divided my house into several rooms where they stay and pay me rentals, that’s the arrangement. Sometimes when business is low, I give them time to make money and pay later.

NZ: With the coming of young and energetic sex workers, are you able to compete with them?

SK: I don’t compete with them; I assist them whenever its necessary and I have opened a register to know which sex worker is at Madondo shopping centre in case something happens to them.

NZ: How active are you now in your work these days?

SK: With age, I now have very few clients that I serve personally and two permanent one who come for the ‘good service’.

NZ: With the current economic challenges facing the country, is sex work still paying well?

SK: All is not well, sex workers here are even paid $1 for a quickie and $5 for the rest of the night, but long ago they used to charge between $10 and $20 a night.

NZ: This may be very sensitive it’s up to you to answer it or not, word around says you are ‘retiring’ for health reasons, how far true is that?

SK: Gone are the days when people would be ashamed to come out in open; it’s not a secret, yes I am HIV positive but that’s not the reason for retirement, it has to do with age.

NZ: When did you discover that you were HIV positive?

SK: I got tested in 2005, that’s when I discovered that I am HIV positive and since then I have been living positively and now l also educate the young sex workers the use of condoms.

NZ: Thank you very much for your time; we wish you a restful retirement.

SK: Thank you very much and travel well

Osato Makes Drones For The US Army (See Photos)

Meet The Nigerian Man Who Reportedly Makes Drones For The US Army. See Photos

We need this kind of brains actively in the country especially in the area of terrorism. According to reports from Nigerian activist based in the US -Amb Osagie, this Nigerian man identified as Dr Osato is living and making great impact in the U.S. The man who is from Benin, Edo state -builds drones for the U.S. Army... and these drones can be used to capture terrorist areas remotely. According to reports, very people know him due to his quiet lifestyle.


Joseph Babatunde-Adu, 'Jab Adu', Is Dead

Nigerian veteran actor and dramatist, Joseph Abiodun Babatunde Adu, popularly known as JAB Adu, is dead.

A source close to the foremost thespian said he passed on in his Abeokuta, Ogun State home early Sunday morning.

He was aged 83.

While the detail of his demise still remains sketchy, the source said the man renowned for his role as ‘Bassey Okon’ in the popular Nigerian Television Authority, NTA Drama series, ‘The Village Headmaster’, has been contending with illness associated with old age.

Trained as a professional banker before settling as an actor, late Jab Adu had an illustrious career on stage, television and film.

An abridged version of his biography written by Adegboyega Arulogun stated that Jab Adu started his adult life as a banker with the Central Bank of Nigeria.

While with the apex bank, he squeezed out time to participate as an actor and writer in the popular Village Headmaster, in which he played the role of Bassey Okon, the doctor, dispenser and pharmacist of Oja village.

The deceased was born in Calabar, Cross River State. Thus, it was easy for him to play the role of an Efik in the junction town of Oja.

He left banking in 1970 and went into full acting, writing and production.

He was more renowned in acting but his creative pedigree transcends not just acting that he was very well known for on the screen.

He was a film producer whose production credits include “Bisi, Daughter of the River” and “Adio’s Family”, a series he co-produced with NTA. The film was one of the pioneering efforts that followed “Kongi’s Harvest” and “Things Fall Apart.”

Based upon the Yoruba legend of Olurombi and shot on 35mm on celluloid on location both in Lagos and Badagry, the film threw a challenge to the American and Indian films in the Nigerian cinema circuit because of its production quality and Nigerians’ thirst to see their own people on the cinema screens in the theatres.

Jab Adu, while alive, was a devotee of Grail Movement.

Pastor Hacks Banker Wife To Death In Imo [graphic Photo]

Another man of God has been arrested for allegedly butchering his wife in Imo State.

A so called man of God and the General Overseer of the Victory Pentecostal Church located in Mbaitoli Loal Government Area of Imo State, Pastor Mark Chukwudi Etiti, has been arrested by the state police command for allegedly butchering his banker wife, Perpetua Udoka, to death.

According to reports, Etiti an indigene of Agwa in Oguta Local Government Area of the state, is a secondary school drop out and was a wheelbarrow pusher before he got the 'call', had allegedly deceived Udoka into marrying him after she went to him to seek God's intervention over whom to choose out of three suitors who wanted to marry her including a medical doctor, a fellow banker and a public servant.
But Etiti told her that none of them men was the chosen one for her except himself, and she ended up marrying him.

According to sources, the Udoka’s family was not particularly happy about the union considering Pastor Mark’s educational background and social status but she stood her ground by telling them he was God's choice for her, not knowing that the man she loved and got married to would turn round to be her killer.

This is an account of a close relative of the murdered woman:

"Unknown to Udoka, the biggest attraction was her lucrative career at the time. Just within a space of twenty months, a car was bought, a landed property and a shop was paid for all in the name of the husband Pastor Mark Chukwudi Etiti.

Udoka built a house for her Pastor husband on bank loan. She did a lot both for the husband’s family and the husband himself on loans including borrowing money on behalf of the husband to the extent that repayments become a serious challenge and she ultimately lost the bank job.

It became a pitiable situation better imagined, after she lost her job. Udoka became a punching bag. On many occasions, the mother in-law will come all the way from the village to order Udoka out of the very house she built.

Udoka had sustained various degrees of injuries inflicted on her by the same husband she picked from the gutters. She was hospitalized severally. The mother in-law had once threatened that it is either Udoka leaves the son alive or the deceased body will be carted away like nobody and her threat came to pass after all.

Udoka’s thirteen year old daughter had once reported to the police of how the father had beaten the mum to stupor on the fear that the mum was dead.

The first brutal cutlass injuries on Udoka were recorded in 2013. This time, Udoka’s family thought it was indeed enough.
The matter was formally taken to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Nigerian Police in Owerri, who documented the evidences, detained the pastor and later released him.

The family had actually concluded plans to forcefully relocate her and her children after so many refusals from her before the brutal murder of Udoka by the same man who she gave three beautiful children."

This is also an account by the couple's teenage daughter:

"On that faithful day, my mummy in her usual manner, woke up around 5.00am, got us ready for school, gave us our food, asked me to take my younger sister to her school and return the key to her in the church, while she left for our church early morning prayer session.

I finished dressing up and told my daddy who was in his room that I’m off to school. He asked me to lock the gate to our house from outside and I asked why and he shouted me down. I did exactly that and returned the key to my mum in the church. I went back to my mummy’s shop around 1:00pm and could not meet her in the shop.
That was unusual knowing fully well when we usually come back from school. I called her line and she was not picking. I asked her neighbors and they said she told them my daddy called her. I then took my siblings along to the house.

On getting to the house, every place looked deserted. We usually access the house through the kitchen door, but that faithful day, the kitchen door was locked. I called my dad to ask him if he has seen mummy.

He asked me where we are and I said we are at home and the doors were all locked.
Within 2 minutes, daddy appeared. Unusual of daddy, he decided to follow the back door instead of the usual front kitchen door and asked me to stay outside. I could not comprehend my father’s body language and I quickly followed him and went straight to my mum’s room while he made his way to his room.

The sight of flowing blood in mummy’s room got me more frightened and when I shouted blood, my dad ran straight to the kitchen where my mum’s body was used to block the kitchen door, the same door my daddy strategically avoided on entering the compound.

I later saw my mum’s phone near the kitchen window with my daddy’s 3 missed calls on the phone.
My daddy has always been chasing us about with cutlass all the time. He has severally threatened to kill mummy and her people won’t do anything. The last time, I thought my mummy was dead when she was brutally beaten with cutlass by my daddy and blood was gushing like water.

I called my uncle and he was not responding. I then went to police to report him and he was arrested. Two days before he killed mummy, I saw him from the bathroom cutting the ceiling of our house.
The following morning, I heard him telling my mother that armed robbers came to the house and that the entered through the ceiling. He was showing mummy the note he claimed they brought which read;

“Pastor Mark be careful, this is to tell you we can come and go”. I told mummy that I saw dad cutting that place two days back and was not done by any armed robber. I told mummy we should go to my aunty’s place that dad is up to something but mummy refused. Now look at where she has brought us to. Daddy has simply fulfilled his wish and God will judge him.”
Pastor Mark is currently cooling his heels in detention and the state police command has vowed to do everything that justice is served.

Pic 1: the wife
Pic 2: the killer pastor
Pic 3: the dead wife body

Abba Moro Heads To Kuje Prisons - Politics

Abba Moro in court today

– Nigeria’s former minister of the interior, Comrade Abba Moro, will join some other prominent Nigerians in Kuje prison today, February 29
– Moro was detained by operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on Monday, February 22
– The ex-minister was re-invited by the EFCC recently over the N650 million immigration recruitment scandal in which some job seekers lost their lives A former minister of the interior, Comrade Abba Moro and other accused people in the 2014 Nigeria Immigration Service recruitment scam is to be remanded in Kuje prison custody.

At the court sitting today, February 29, the three accused, having listened to all the charges against them pleaded not guilty. After taking their pleas, the prosecuting counsel, Aliyu Yusuf, asked the court to fix a date for trial. He also asked that the accused be remanded in prison custody.

The counsel to the defendants informed the court that applications for bail had been filed. However, the prosecution said they were served late on Friday and they would need time to reply to the applications. Chris Uche, lawyer to the second defendant, said his client, Anastasia Daniel-Nwobia, is a nursing mother and already on administrative bail by the EFCC.

He also said the law mandated that the prosecution serve the defendant with proof of evidence seven days before arraignment to respond and apply for bail. Making a special case for the second defendants, Uche applied that administrative bail granted to Daniel-Nwobia by the EFCC be extended by the court.

On hearing the application without an objection from the prosecution, the judge Anwuli Chikere granted the nursing mother bail. “The administrative bail granted to the second defendant is to continue under the same condition while the first and third defendants be remanded in prison custody,” Chikere said.

She also adjourned the matter to Thursday, March 3 for hearing on the application. The former minister of interior and all his fellow accused pleaded not guilty to the 11-count charge filed against them by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Moro alongside three others – a deputy director in the ministry, Anastasia Daniel-Nwobia; F. O Alayebami; one Mahmood Ahmadu(who is at large) – are accused of contracting a botched recruitment job to Drexel Tech Nigeria Limited, an Drexel unregistered company, the EFCC claimed. The commission also alleged that the company had no legal rights to conduct such a contract especially without an advert contrary to 40, 42 and 43 of the Public Procurement Act, No. 65 of 2007 and punishable under section 58 of the same act.

The charges, an 11-count charge by the EFCC, include obtaining money by false pretences, procurement fraud and money laundering. These charges follow a botched immigration recruitment operation that led the deaths of 20 job seekers in Nigeria on March 15, 2014.

The defendants are said to have obtained by false pretences the sum of N676,675,000 from job seekers who paid N1,000 each to take part in the Nigeria Immigration Service recruitment exercise. One of the charges read:

“One of the accused Mahmood Ahmadu (who is at large) in connivance with Drexel Tech Nigeria Ltd, lavished the total of N423,800,000.00(Four Hundred and Twenty Three Million, Eight Hundred Thousand naira) part of the N676,675,000 (Six Hundred and Seventy Six Million, Six Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Naira) gotten from the applicants on the following: the sum N202, 500, 000( Two Hundred and Two Million Five Hundred Thousand naira ) in purchase of a property in a choice area of the Federal Capital territory, N120, 100,000 (One Hundred and twenty Million One hundred Thousand Naira ) used in upgrading a property in Abuja, while the total of N101, 200, 000( One Hundred and One Million Two Hundred thousand Naira) was converted to United states dollars for personal use.”

Meanwhile, reports last week in the media suggested that the fugitive businessman, Mahmood Ahmadu, who is on the run over the 2014 sham immigration recruitment, has shut down three of his companies located in the United Kingdom (UK).

How To Check 2016 JAMB-UTME Result Online

How To Check your JAMB Result online yourself. 2016 JAMB UTME result will be sent to candidate’s phone 30 minutes after exam and would be available online within the period of 24 hours.

The Joint Admission and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has announced that the results of Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) will be available 30 minutes after leaving the hall.

Meaning that candidates that participated in the JAMB CBT exam will get a graphical result sent to their mobile phones 30 minutes after leaving the examination hall, while the specific scores will be released within the period of four days.

To access your 2016 JAMB UTME Results kindly follow the steps outlined below.

Steps On How to Check 2016 JAMB UTME CBT Results Online.

Note: You will only be able to check your result after the exam.

1. Go to JAMB result checking portal at

2. Enter your registration number where required,

3. Finally, click on ‘Check Result’ to access your UTME score.


Photos Of Abba Moro Arriving Court Today For Trial

Former Minister of Interior,Abba Moro and two othets were today sent to jail by a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja. The court ordered the immediate remand of the three in Kuje prison, pending the hearing of their bail application on March 2nd.

Abba Moro,Anaesthesia Nwaobia, a Permanent Secretary in the ministry and a Deputy Director Finance, F.O Alayegbami, were arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on an 11 count criminal charge over the 2014 N676 million Nigerian Immigration recruitment scandal that lead to the death of more than 20 job seekers. The defendants are accused of obtaining by false pretence, procurement fraud and money laundering. They are said to have defrauded 676,675 applicants, each job seeker paying the sum of N1000 for registration in the job recruitment scam.

The presiding judge, Justice Anwuli Chikere, however granted bail to second defendant, Anaesthesia Nwaobia, because she recently gave birth to a baby and is still nursing her child.

The accused however pleaded not guilty to all the charges preferred them.

See photos above


I’m Reaching Out To Those Who Defected To APC – PDP Chairman, Sheriff

The Peoples Democratic Party’s National Chairman, Sen. Ali Modu Sheriff, yesterday revealed that he has started reaching out to those who defected from the party to the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC.

The former governor of Borno State, however, refused to say if he had also met with the President of the Senate, Sen. Bukola Saraki on whether the latter would return to the PDP or not.

Speaking through his Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Inuwa Bwala in Abuja, Sheriff said the alleged panic in the camp of the ruling party was responsible for the dispute that greeted his appointment.

According to Sheriff, the leadership of the ruling party is aware of his capability to unite the members of the PDP and also bring back those who defected to the APC, hence the controversy.

“We have started reaching out to those who left the PDP and we are discussing already.
“We are getting positive results from them, but we won’t go to the pages of newspapers to announce their names.

“The APC and its leadership are aware that Sheriff has the ability to unite the members of the PDP and also bring back those who have left the party.
“This was why we had the initial controversy on the appointment. But now, we have thrown that behind us as we have resumed work fully,” Bwala said

Angry Ibeshe Community Nabs Notorious Armed Robber (photos)

A very stiff uproar pervades in the ibeshe part of Ikorodu as community nabs one of the notorious armed robbers causing constant derangement in the estate

According to our source who pleaded anonymous, the carpenter turned thief sat at the entrance of the estate with a sharp cutlass, waiting for residents on foot to pass. It wasn’t too long before a lady in her early 20’s walked by and as expected, he attacked her with the cutlass and collected her bag

Unfortunately for him, the lady shouted “ole, ole, ole(thief, thief, thief) as he dashed away with her bag, her voice echoed a conscious alarm to other residents of the estate which alerted them to a very hot chase

He was caught and was almost lynched by the grieving community who has suffered a great deal of pain from armed robbers in the past
armed robber arrested with cutlassarmed robber arrested in ikoroduarmed robber arrested by community
Asked if he was “Baddo”, one of the most dreadful criminal in the area who is known to rub oil on his body to avoid being grabbed by the hands while tearing nets, he said no and this was his first time correspondent who took a very deep look at the man noted that it could be however be the crash of Naira that has made the transition from a carpenter to a loop daredevil armed robber

He has been handed over to the Owode Police Station as at the time of compiling this report

Nigerian Dwarf-Goat Kid Celebrated In England (photos)

Nigeria is blessed with so much and it is is heartwarming to know that some things we take for granted here are being adored in other countries. Who knew the popular dwarf goat known as "Ewu" or "He-goat" in local parlance is kept at the famous Franklin Park Zoo? One of the Nigerian goats kept there delivered a kid this month amid wild cheer from the zoo management and the media. Canada based Huffington post did a special feature on it gushing about the Nigeria goat breed as very cute and adorable to be used as a pet. Also checkout below popular animal website Zooborns impressive feature writeup about the Nigerian breed..
There’s a new kid at Franklin Park Zoo… a Nigerian Dwarf Goat kid, that is.

The new kid was born February 16 inside the barn at Franklin Park Zoo’s Franklin Farm. Shortly after birth, the little female was standing, and within hours she was observed nursing. This is the second offspring for mom, Leia, and dad, Lucky.

The kid recently underwent a medical exam, and she appears bright, alert and active. The goat kid, who has been named Chewbacca, weighed about four pounds at birth.

“We are thrilled to share the news of this birth and we hope people will stop by during this school vacation week to see this adorable new addition,” said John Linehan, Zoo New England President and CEO.

Nigerian Dwarf Goats are noted for their wide range of color patterns, which include combinations of black, brown or gold mixed with white, as well as for their easy-going temperaments.

Adult males can reach a maximum size of 19–23.5 inches (48–60 cm), and females can grow to about 17–22.5 inches (43–57 cm).

These herbivorous miniature goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) are of West African descent. They have been domesticated as dairy goats and can be found all over the world. Highly adaptable, Nigerian Dwarf Goats can live in climates ranging from cold to hot and dry.

Despite their size, Nigerian Dwarf Goats are known for expressing a high quantity of milk. Their production ranges from 1 to 8 pounds of milk per day (one quart of milk weighs roughly 2 pounds), with an average doe producing about 2.5 pounds of milk per day. Their milk has a higher butterfat content than milk from full-sized dairy goats, making Nigerian Dwarf Goat milk excellent for cheese and soap making.

Nigerian Dwarf Goats are gentle, friendly, and can easily be trained to walk on a leash. Their size and temperament enable them to be excellent "visitor" animals for nursing homes and hospitals.

Punch Launches ‘free Ese’ Campaign:kano Man Steals, Forcefully Marries 14-yr-old

PUNCH LAUNCHES ‘FREE ESE’ CAMPAIGN: Kano man steals, forcefully marries 14-yr-old Bayelsa girl. They told me my child was 18 years old—Father

Charles Oruru is Ese’s father. He narrates his ordeal in this interview with Simon Utebor

Did you travel with your wife to Kano for the release of your daughter?

On the first trip, I did not go with them. On August 17, when my wife called me and said they refused to release the child to her, I became angry. Thereafter, I went to the Bayelsa State Police Headquarters to lodge a complaint. They directed me to B Division and said I should arrest the persons linked with the abduction. I arrested the leader of some of the Hausa boys, Dan Kano and two other persons. Dan Kano is the one who usually brought them to Bayelsa. I took him to the station and the police took our statements.

What happened after this?

After that, the DCO at Ekeki called me to tell me that the case was not for them and that he was transferring the case to A Division because it was close to the state headquarters.

Ese's Father
Ese’s Father
They gave bail to the two other boys from Sokoto based on their statements. Dan Kano was subsequently moved to A Division where he was detained. From there, a police officer said he was going to release two policemen to travel with me to Kano to enable me to get my daughter.

When did you leave for Kano?

We travelled on September 2, and spent over 15 hours on the road before getting to Kano. The following day, we distributed letters given to us by the Bayelsa Police Commissioner to state headquarters in Kano, Kwani Police station and Kura LGA where Yinusa (the main suspect) is from. On September 4, they called us for a meeting and we went to Kwani police station near the Emir’s Palace. Present were the two police officers from Bayelsa with about four policemen from Kwani including Chief of Kura LGA, the secretary and other persons. About 15 of us went to the Sharia Council. When we got there, many people were already there. They called their chairman. I was shouting, ‘I need my daughter, I need my daughter.’ The chairman said I should calm down and that we were not fighting. We all sat down. They were angry with me and said my daughter was 18 years old and I was claiming she was 13 years. I told them it was false, that my daughter was 13 years old then. She clocked 14 last week. They told me my daughter had come to join Islam. I told them we are Christians and that they could not tell me my daughter had converted to become a Muslim without my consent. After all the argument, the DCO pleaded with the chairman that since the girl was underage, she should be released to me to take home. Instantly, the chairman’s countenance changed and started speaking furiously to the DCO in Hausa. Though I did not understand Hausa, I was made to understand that the chairman was angry because the DCO asked him to release the girl to me. The policemen there were not happy with the development, wondering why they should be telling the father of a child the age of his daughter.

Were you afraid of the chairman and others in Kano?

No, the DCO insisted that the child should be released to me but unknown to us; it was a gimmick to deceive us further. The Sharia Council chairman calmly told us to come the following day for the release of Ese. But the promise was not kept. When I got there with the policemen the next day, the story changed. When we got there, they said they were going to release the girl to Zone 5, Benin City, for onward release to Bayelsa State Police Command to us. So, that was how we went on a fruitless journey to Kano without getting my daughter.

When did you return to Bayelsa?

We came back on the September 8 and up till now, my daughter has not been released. From information, we learnt that the Sharia Council was yet to release my daughter to the Zone 5 as promised. I do not know what else to do. The Sharia Council and the Emirate Council are behaving like government unto themselves. We have tried all we can to get our daughter released to no avail. I am appealing to the Federal Government and the relevant authorities to intervene in the matter to get my daughter released. We do not want this to degenerate into a tribal crisis.

I can’t sleep, I’m always crying – Mother

Fifty-year-old Mrs. Rose Oruru, tells ARUKAINO UMUKORO about her pain over her missing daughter

How are you coping with the fact that your daughter has not been released to you?

I am still living and breathing, I am not dead yet. I cry every night. But I pray to God every day to help me solve this problem and bring my daughter back home to me.

When last did you speak with your daughter and what was your discussion about?

I spoke to her in the first week of October 2015. It was the boy who abducted my daughter from Bayelsa that put her on the phone, because she said she wanted to speak to me. My

Ese's mother
Ese’s mother
daughter started speaking our dialect, Urhobo, to me. As we were conversing, I heard them shouting at her in the background and asking why she was speaking our dialect. That was when she switched to English and said they did not want her to come back. We spoke for about three minutes. That was the last thing she told me. I haven’t spoken to her since then.

Who were the people telling her not to speak Urhobo to you?

I think they were some people in the Emir’s palace or the Sharia council, because the council is close to the palace of the Emir of Kano. The people in the council are the ones in control.

Before the incident that forced your daughter to Kano, did she tell you about wanting to change her religion?

No, not at all. She and I did not discuss anything like that. They had just finished a programme in our church that Sunday before she was taken away. She also went to church that Monday and came back home before she was taken away that week. She has never for once told me that she wanted to become a Muslim.

Did you notice any difference in her attitude or behaviour before then?

No, I did not.

What do you think made her follow them to Kano?

She does not have a boyfriend. She was forced to go with them; they manipulated her because she is still a small girl. I feel these people forced her to travel with them. Someone who wants to travel would normally go with luggage, but Ese did not travel with anything, she only wore her clothes, a polo shirt, and her Dunlop slippers. That was what she left home with. She was taken away on August 12, 2015.

Was your daughter a friend to the person she allegedly followed to Kano State?

I am a food seller, and the people (Hausas) are many in the area where I carry out my trade. They usually came to buy food from my shop, including the man that carried her away. He came to buy food from my shop all the time. My shop is at Opolo, opposite Golden Gate, where the motor park is situated, in Bayelsa.

What is the name of the man whom you said abducted your daughter?

His name is Yinusa, but he is popularly known here as Yellow. He rides a keke marwa (tricycle). Before now, he used to sell firewood, until someone gave him a keke marwa. He took my daughter, Ese, and ran away with her. He has since not returned.

Did you suspect any of your customers at the outset?

No, I did not suspect anybody at the start. It was in the process of looking for her that I was told that Ese was not around. So, I went around asking in the neighbourhood. Someone later told me that it might have been one of the Hausas that hid her and then took her away. I was at the mosque where they usually pray, and one of the men, a labourer, came to me and told me he knew why I was looking for my daughter. I asked him how he knew and what he knew. That was how I knew the person that took my daughter. The man told me that when he came back from work one day, his friends had told him that Yinusa told them that he was going to take Ese to Kano State, convert her to Islam and marry her. He said he was angry with them and asked them why they did not report the matter to me. So, I went to confront them. I went to ask a carpenter who Yinusa usually patronised and asked him about the whereabouts of this man and my daughter. The carpenter said he did not know and was surprised. I asked another person who sells recharge card, who said he had not seen him recently.

What did you do afterwards?

I travelled with one of the Hausa men who lived around our area, to Kano on August 14, because we had been told that Yinusa had arrived Kano with my daughter, and that they told the community that Yinusa had run away with my daughter. We arrived Kano on the 15th and went to meet the district head of the community. We received a poor welcome. The district head was angry that the Hausa man brought me to Kano, then he told me I did not have a child, because they had already converted my daughter to Islam and that her name is now Aisha. He now said even Yinusa’s father had not seen my daughter. We went to the Emir’s palace the same day and when we told them why we came, youths gathered and tried to beat us up until someone called the police and took us way. Again, my husband, with two policemen, and Dan Kano, travelled to Kano on September 2. The same thing happened again.

What do you know about your daughter’s present condition?

We do not know anything. We only rely on hearsay. Yesterday, some people said she had been handed over to the police, another group of people said she was no more seen around the area. We don’t know what to believe. But I want to believe my daughter is either at the Emir’s palace or the council, because the council is close to the Emir’s palace.

Is Ese your first child?

No, she is the second to the last born. I have five children. They are all worried about their sister. Last Monday was her 14th birthday. I did not even have money to buy soft drinks or biscuits to celebrate her birthday in her absence. We only prayed for her together. We felt bad about it and cried. I can’t sleep at night. I am really worried. But I thank God for leading people to come and help me. I pray that she is safe wherever she is. She is supposed to be in SS1 now, because she had finished JSS3 and had written the junior WAEC before she was abducted.