Monday 29 February 2016

Kemi Adeosun-a Victim Of Arab Islamic Intimidation

This evening I came across this picture and I was very disappointed in what I saw.

As a minister in the Federal Cabinet of Nigeria signing a bilateral agreement on behalf of Nigeria in Qatar,tradition demands that She(Kemi Adeosun) is accorded the same respect as the President as her presence carries as much authority with the President.

Under no circumstances should a person of her capacity be subjected to conform to the cultural/religious practice of the host country.

Kemi Adeosun is a Nigerian Minister visiting Qatar,she is a foreigner,therefore she is not bound by Qatari laws or culture which can't be enforced on her.

It is utmost disrespect for her person and Nigeria as a nation to see her subjected to covering her hair to please Qatari officials.This attempt of cowardice to Qatari Islamic custom denigrates the office of the Minister of Finance and totally against Global Practice.

Madam Kemi Adeosun,next time you find yourself in an Arab nation,refuse vehemently to cover your hair,their laws are not binding on you.You are their visitor and your person must be respected.

In case people don't see what's wrong here because to you,it's just a piece of scarf.Well it's not.

The black robes and red scarf Qatari officials have on them are the customary cultural wears in Qatar same way the hijab and any covering for the head is customary and cultural for the women.

Imagine your Minister of Works,Power and Housing,Babatude Fashole forced to wear the black robes and red scarf to please Qatari officials before signing some agreement on behalf of the country.Wouldn't you consider it an insult?

It is insulting in every regard.

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