Monday 25 July 2016

APC Thinks We Are Idiots - Alani Akinrinade

Ex-Army General, Alani Akinrinade warns
Says APC govt taking Nigerians for idiots by including restructuring in its manifesto and reneging on the promise Omoniyi Salaudeen

As debate rages over some basic national questions, an elder statesman, respected Yoruba leader, and former Chief of Defence Staff, General Alani Ipoola Akinrinade (retd), in this interview admonishes the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to do a restructuring of the country to avoid an imminent break up and also to amend the Constitution to allow any constituent part wishing to leave, to do so peacefully.

Why did you join the army?

Well, like all young people get adventurous, we just decided to try the army. It happened then that some form of advertisement was going on around that time and we tried it. Some of the soldiers who just returned from the Second World War were still around in the villages. And when I left secondary school in 1959, I was motivated by these young Nigerian army officers who just returned. So, I decided to join the military.

Who were you contemporaries in secondary school?

There are many of them. Gen David Jemibewon was one year my junior at Offa Grammar School. Quite a few of them finally ended up in the Navy and Army.

How did you relate with them in the military?
The same kind of assistance you will expect between a senior and a junior. Over and above every other person, they are always your comrade.

What were those pranks you used to play as a school boy?

I was never really a good student. I wasn’t a role model in some of the things we used to do like break bounds, sneak to town from the boarding house to watch a play and so on. Even in the military school, I met some friends who have the same kind of character. We used to enjoy breaking bounds, go to Kaduna township to drink beer and things like that.

How was the military then?

I wouldn’t know because I wasn’t a pure insider. I joined in 1960 shortly before independence. Then, the Nigeria Army was a replicate of Pretoria Army, the British Army, the German Army, the French Army. Though small, it was very efficient and disciplined.

You participated in the civil war. Do you have any regret because the agitation is still on up till now?

We didn’t solve the problem we set out to solve. And I think that is the tragedy of our situation now because we didn’t solve the problem and we don’t seem to want to solve the problem or understand the problem. I was a very young officer then and we just thought to keep Nigeria one was a task that must be done. That was a task set by our Commander-In-Chief. And, of course, what we knew and grew up with was Nigeria. We didn’t quite understand the sociological, economic and political import of how Nigeria was situated at the time. The army itself was a microcosm of Nigeria where everybody met and treated one another like brothers. That was Nigeria we saw and thought it was worth being kept together as our commander-in-chief ordered. But thereafter; for me in particular, it was traumatic because after serving in the Second Division, I had a misfortune of being posted to Bonny where I started my first interaction with people who lived in a completely different environment that I know. It was a completely different world from what I know in Yorubaland. As a young army officer at that time, it was tragic to see how people lived there and the amount of neglect, the amount of lack of care they suffered. Yet, we don’t seem to understand it up till now. Rather, what we are saying is that the people living there are responsible for themselves, but they are not. Our system didn’t allow them to pinpoint people to govern them. People from outside the area dictated to them in the name of parties and things like that. It occurred to me that there was a reason for us to make sure that the East didn’t go there, and if it was going there, it must be with the consent of the people there. Since it wasn’t, the war was justified on that note. But when we followed it up, we didn’t do the right thing.

To be more specific, what were those things you left undone?

As you know, there is a big cry now for restructuring. Successive governments had set up one form of conference or the other to look at ourselves straight in the eye and discuss the problems that had befallen Nigeria and how we could solve them. But we have never acted on any of the reports. We didn’t pay attention to the various aspects of lives of the people who lived in different parts of Nigeria to be able to assist them to develop and become economically viable on their own. And we are not prepared to do it, we only mouth it. We didn’t do anything concrete to really develop the various sectors. The result is what we are getting now. People are discontented and the economy is down. We are a different people. It is a fallacy to say that there is one Nigeria. Yes, we are all black people, we are all Africans. But first and foremost, I am a Yoruba man.

If you ask me, the Nigeria part of it dubious; dubious in the sense that nobody has shown me how we can relate together as brothers. Even the way we were in the 1960s was superficial, though these problems had not arisen. Now, people are more educated. And like Chief Awolowo said: “When the eyes become open and people get more educated and they are aware of their environment, they will start making demands.” He used Sudan as an example, saying that Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan are not the same and that the reason they were staying together was because people were not educated or did not understand their environment. It didn’t take too long before they realized that they were not the same in culture and in religion. Because we Africans are stupid, Sudan didn’t do it the way Czechoslovakia did it in the past. They are still killing one another now. It is as a result of leaving all these problems for too long. If they had solved it, maybe the kind of carnage going on there now would not have happened. In Nigeria, I suspect that even if we are at war, we could not be losing and maiming as many people and destroying as many properties as we are seeing now. In the North-east, there is a real war going on there. In the Southern part, we have the so-called MEND, we tried to pacify them, we didn’t solve the problem. Now, a new group, the Avengers, has emerged. If we solve that one, within a maximum of two years, a new one will emerge again. We are not asking ourselves: why are they doing it? All we do is to damn them, condemn them and call them names. But it is a real problem and it has solution. Everybody is saying the state governments have emasculated the local governments because of joint account and, therefore, nothing is happening. These are not the issues. The issue on ground is that the man in his village must be able to realise that, if they don’t get together and do something native to them, they are not going to survive. But what happens is that there is a big almighty Federal Government in Abuja who knows nowhere at all, deciding everything. If that is the situation with the grassroots and we are not doing anything about it other than to blame the governors and expect Buhari to be a magician and produce things where the basis of production is not there, we are deceiving ourselves. I don’t think most of us realise the kind of danger Nigeria is in right now. There is no easy solution to the problem of unemployment; there is no easy solution to the issue of arrears of salaries of workers that we are all talking about. We know it is callous, but the point is the money is not there.

You have rightly alluded to the fact that every community wants its destiny in its own hand and have a say in the process of choosing its leaders. Will it be right then to lay the blame for the problems Nigeria is confronting today on the doorstep of the military which intervened and introduced a centralized federal structure as against the old regional arrangement?

Yes, it will be right. But the genesis of it is the way the military operates. What the military knows is hierarchical structure.
That is the training of the military man. It is a monolithic institution and people must take orders. You don’t question orders, if it comes from your superior. At a time when we wanted to stop coup, we started by saying people should be able to disobey unlawful orders. But the question was: what is unlawful? So, we were stuck there. That was why it was impossible for us to stop people from coalescing together to topple a government. But even before the military left, these issues had come up and people were beginning to realise that we were facing a wrong direction. The point is: what has stopped us as a people to decide and go for the better option, having seen the two sides of the coin? When we had no resource at all, we ran the three regions but later four, very efficiently.

All regions were competing among themselves. Some of the infrastructures they created, we have never been able to replicate them. Again, most of the roads you see in Nigeria today were built in the earlier part of the military regime. If there was anything added after 1966 when we started giving command everywhere, it was during Gowon’s time and a little more thereafter. Under Gowon, there was a very experienced old corps in government. It was during Murtala’s era that we created the greatest havoc that put paid to development in Nigeria by disorganizing the civil service. We didn’t just disorganize them, we also demoralized them. You can trace part of this corruption that we are fighting today to that era. People didn’t have security again. What they thought was their future didn’t exist anymore. This must be part of the reasons people started stealing, amassing wealth and keeping it for their future. The original civil service, the army, the airforce and everything, which we had, which was a government institution had the means to cater for you from the day you join till the day you die. To build a house was no problem. Even as a third class clerk, you could borrow money to buy a bicycle to ride to work. There were means of paying for all these things without really turning you into a beggar. All that disappeared overnight. Of course, there is no reason anywhere in the world why anybody should be dishonest, but we must also look at our environment. What stops us from looking at these problems now that we’ve all realised where things went wrong? Now, we are in a new tragedy.

When APC put up its manifesto, they said they were going to look very closely at the constitution and that they were going to do a restructuring of the country. In the past two weeks, we have heard, though people are trying to retrace their steps, the Presidency saying there is nothing like restructuring. Then, we heard the Vice President (Yemi Osinbajo) saying ‘no, what we need is good governance and not restructuring’. After that, we heard their National Chairman, John Odigie-Oyegun, saying another thing. Do they think we are idiots? They were the ones who signed the manifesto and led us down the garden park and then the dog is barking and you say no we are the first to run away. That is what they are doing to us. We are not going to allow it. This is another opportunity to do something. I am not sure whether the last conference answered all the questions. But if it didn’t, what I expected from this government is a declaration to say this is the step we are determined to take. And I think people will accept it. But to tell us there is no restructuring, we are not going to take it. Nigeria is going nowhere without restructuring.

You participated in a 30-month civil war without borrowing a dime from anywhere even without oil. How do you feel now watching the ex-service chiefs being put on trial for looting and carting away money meant for arms purchase?
There is no part of population that is outside the sociological environment of the country. So, the military is one of them. They send their children to the same school; they also have to look after their wives and their children. Don’t forget, during the purge, the military also suffered. I know a number of people in the military who were wrongly thrown out. For example, Mobolaji Johnson of Lagos State was thrown out before they found out that he didn’t have a dime of anybody’s money. The same thing Oluwole Rotimi who was in Ibadan and quite a good number of other people. I think both the military and the civil servants that were thrown out had the same kind of feeling. So, I am not too surprised even though I abhor people doing wrong things like stealing. Stealing is not tolerated in any society. But we created that atmosphere.

Again, in the days when we were fighting the war, politicians didn’t spend a dime to get elected. Their party members contributed money. At least I know of the Action Group and the NCNC. You must contribute to have a party card. Then, there was sanity. Awolowo was then the commissioner for finance. How are you going to steal money? Isong was in the Central Bank. Who is going to face him and say he should bring out money from the vault without proper authorization? Gradually, we lost all that. But now, people obtain the party cards to draw money out. That is why you are hearing of billions of naira carried in aeroplane to fund election of a state. That alone can destroy the economy.

It appears Yoruba are the least prepared for any eventuality. What is the plan B for the Yoruba nation in the event of breakup of Nigeria?

I see the danger in its real stark reality. The stark reality is that it is difficult to keep Nigeria one the way it is now. I don’t nurse the idea that one day conflagration will come and everybody will carry gun like Sudan or Yugoslavia. I think the world has gone a little beyond that. Nigerians have been educated enough to know the danger of a big commotion. Before it g commotion. Before it comes to that, it is very likely we will get a little bit of sanity and then decide how we really want to live together. If we don’t restructure, these agitations will go on. What is going to happen is that we are going to be poorer than we are now. Maybe then our eyes will open to know that there is no central government in Abuja that is going to do any magic to put us together. I hope we will be sensible enough not to allow everybody to just walk away, but it is quite possible now because we have not removed the reasons for these separatist agitations.

Looking at the worst scenario, do you see a peaceful breakup of Nigeria?

People in my position don’t advocate a breakup. But do you know how many wars they fought in Eritrea? They have been at it for over 30 years. When you see an Eritrean and Ethiopian, you can never know the difference. But if you mistakenly say you are from Ethiopia and the other person happens to be an Eritrean, that is when he will blow up your face. That is how close these people are and they fought for almost 30 years. In the end, Eritrea was allowed to go. Whatever remained of Ethopia, when they now got together, they did a constitution that made it possible for any of the federating units to go out of the union without carrying any arm. The procedure was to conduct a referendum and with 51 percent, you are good to go. I think if this government is smart, that is the route they should take. They should create new articles, which will allow any constituent part of the federation to go without carrying gun. When we fought Biafra, we didn’t take the land. They are the same people who are still there today. So, what is this madness and fixation about one person being in control of the entire country? Let’s leave peacefully so that we can eat together when I come to your house. Somebody has to call the bluff of everybody. And tell us if you want to go, tell us where your boundary will be. If Nigeria never discovered oil, are we not going to survive? After all, there are more arid countries that don’t live on oil. If we remove this rent syndrome, everything will be given unto us.

FG Records N1.064trn Half-year Revenue Shortfall

The federal government recorded a revenue shortfall of N1.064 trillion in the first six months of the year, the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, disclosed on Monday.

The disclosure came as consultations for the 2017-2019 Medium Term Expenditure Framework(MTEF) and Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) commenced in Abuja.

The total revenue inflow, Udoma said, was short of the budget projection by N 1, 064.91 billion or 55.2 per cent as at June 2016.
Accoording to him, the shortfall was augmented by domestic borrowing amounting to N 600 billion, about 33 per cent of the approved borrowing of N 1, 818.87 billion.

He attributed the negative revenue situation on falling oil revenue and attacks on oil and gas installations in the Niger Delta region.

“The 2016 budget performance is reflective of the low revenue out turns attributable to the global and domestic developments earlier highlighted.

“Oil revenues fell significantly in the second quarter compared to the first quarter as a result of increased oil pipeline vandalism and production shut-ins.

“Non – oil revenues also declined compared with forecasts in the budget due to slow- down in economic activities and the acute shortage of foreign exchange,” Udoma said.

Giving an insight into the current expenditure situation for the year, he disclosed that N2.123 trillion had been spent by the federal government

Total capital expenditure as at the end of June, according to the minister, stood at N331.58 billion, while personnel cost had been fully met.

He put personnel cost at N891.31 billion even as he stated that debt service gulped N598.63 billion while statutory transfers was N175.68 billion.

On overhead, Udoma disclosed that the figure was N125.4 billion just as pension and gratuity got N79. 18 billion.

“Government’s focus is to ensure quality of expenditure. Capital releases are based on priorities. MDAs’s performance, as well as, value-addition to the immediate needs of the economy,” the minister said about the administration’s policy on capital expenditure.

On plans for revenue projections in the coming years, the minister said the administration was considering a conservative oil price benchmark of $42.5 barrels per day (bpd) for 2017, $45 bpd in 2018 and $50 bpd in 2019.

The minister disclosed that the government was also expecting an oil production of 2.2 million, 2.3 million and 2.4 million barrels per day, in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively.

Similarly, he said on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that the government was projecting a gradual recovery after the slowdown, adding that a very marginal positive growth of 0.35 per cent was being expected in 2016 ,with a projection of increase in that direction to 4.4 per cent in 2019.

According to him, this was with an average of 3.77 per cent average within the period of the MTEF.
“GDP growth is expected to be largely driven by the non-oil sector with agriculture including agro-business, solid minerals, as well as, building and housing playing a lead role . Export-led growth is to be pursued,” Sen. Udoma said.

Budget Padding: I Have Been Vindicated – Obasanjo

Sequel to the current gory allegations of corrupt practices in National Assembly precisely the House of Representatives, ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo has reiterated earlier his position in 2012 that rogues and armed robbers filled the legislature.
Recall that Hon. Abdumumuni Jubril (APC, Kano) who was hitherto the Chairman, House Committee on Appropriation on Friday opened a can of worms on the padding of the 2016 budget by the lawmakers, implicating the Speaker, Mr. Yakubu Dogara in the padding controversy of over N40 billion. The exposure came on the heels of his sack on Thursday by the Speaker. Obasanjo while attending the Fourth annual conference of the Academy for Entrepreneurial Studies in Lagos had said;

Integrity is necessary for all systems and institutions to be strong. Today, rogues, armed robbers are in the state houses of assembly and the national assembly. What sort of laws will they make?”

Fielding questions from State House Correspondents on the mind-bogging, revelations in the House after meeting privately with President Muhammadu Buhari at the presidential Villa, Abuja on Monday, Obasanjo said that the institution stinks. He urged Nigerians to vote credible people in the parliaments, advising President Buhari to be wary. He said:

“Well, if you said that I have said it in the past and if they are people who didn’t believe what I said ‎in the past then you now say that what has come out confirms what I said in the past, then you can say what I said in the past is what I will say now. ‎”Is not question of investigation, we should get men and women of integrity in the place and the president should be very vigilant, whatever should not pass should not pass.”

Commenting on his mission, Obasanjo said he was in the Villa to deliver messages from Liberia, Gambia and Seychilles to President Buhari.

“I am visiting this time because I have some messages for the president. Not too long ago I was in Liberia and Gambia and I have messages these two countries will want me to deliver to the president. Also, only yesterday I came back from Seychelles Island where I attended this year’s Annual General meeting of Africa Export Development Bank. And there are aspects of the proceedings that I think I should update the President”,

Obasanjo said traveling to different countries has educated him more. “Travelling is a good education, what you will learn about a country by visiting that country for two or three days you won’t learn by reading through books”, he said. Asked whether he intended to slow down, he said “May God not allow you to slow now”

Okorocha: Ekweremadu Will Lose Seat To APC Candidate

The Governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha, has said Ike Ekweremadu should be warming up to lose his seat as the Deputy Senate President.

Okorocha said a candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Benjamine Uwajumogu, who contested in the last Saturday re-run senatorial election in Imo State would displace Ekweremadu as soon as he joins the Senate.

He said it would be an aberration for Ekweremadu, of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, to still continue to retain his seat as the Deputy Senate President, after Uwajumogu had joined the Senate.

Okorocha’s Chief Press Secretary, Sam Onwuemeodo, quoted the Imo State Governor as saying this on Sunday night at a victory party he organised to celebrate the outcome of the July 23, 2016 re-run election for Okigwe zone senatorial seat and the two state constituencies of Oru-East and Oru-West in Imo State.

Okorocha with the outcome of the re-run election, Ekweremadu’s seat as the Deputy Senate President had come under “Heavy Threat.”

He said Ekweremadu himself had known and feared the possibility of losing his seat, that was why he relocated to Imo State three days to the re-run election.

Okorocha, however, said it had become inevitable for Ekweremadu not to relinquish the Depute Senate President seat to Uwajumogu.

He said, “The position of Senator Ike Ekweremadu as the Deputy Senate President is at the moment under heavy threat because in no distant time the APC senator in-waiting from Imo State, Benjamine Uwajumogu, will take over the seat on the grounds that it is an aberration that a PDP senator from the South-East is deputy to an APC Senate President because, before now, APC could not produce a senator from the South-East zone.

“Senator Ekweremadu had known that such a development was not only feasible but inevitable and that was why he fully funded the candidate of the PDP in the re-run senatorial poll in Okigwe zone and also relocated to the state three days to the election date.”

Okorocha described the victory of the APC in the re-run poll for Okigwe senatorial zone as a victory for the whole of South-East APC in particular and the people of the geo-political zone in general.

Epilepsy- A Brain Disorder Not A Spiritual Attack

There is a story recently on all our news about a lady who is an epileptic patient allegedly fell face down into fire on one of her epileptic feet and sustained severe burn to her face. A relative later find her unconscious inside fire(that is pathetic isn't it). what actually brought my attention to this story is advise all this sympathizer are giving to the relative of the patient that they should not take her to hospital but rather a local herbalist in a neighboring village because a whole lots of people still believe that epilepsy is a spiritual or cultural illness which only treatable using traditional therapies.
When we look at this scenario, we will find out that the level of awareness on epilepsy disease is very low. a whole lot of people still need orientation to change their mindset that epilepsy is not a spiritual attack on the patient but rather a brain injury which the causes will still be discuss later on.
In my recent research on the impact of our movie industry in creating awareness on a disease such as epilepsy, I found out that they have been causing more harm than good, a scene like this was play in our home video(Nollywood) patient will only end up in a religious house and after praying for two minute or consulting oracle she is heal. In essence, this is actually wrong a media house suppose to be the one to entertain and at the same time teaches people and create awareness on how to handle such a diseases and not polluting their mind i think government should try and do something about this issue.
It was these kind of situation that make me to pick up my pen and research on
what actually is the cause of Epilepsy?
Is their any treatment for this kind of diseases?
Is it a curable ailment?
Or is it actually a spiritual attack on the patient?
Is it actually true that their is a lizard in the stomach of patient as our native doctor and movie industry we want us to believe.
Here is a few point i have gather that i think you need to know about epilepsy, Its causes, Symptoms, and Treatment before we proceed what did we actually mean by epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in a lay man understanding a neurological disorder are disease of the brain,spine and also nerve that join them together. Epilepsy is other wise known as Seizure disorder, a seizure occur when some clusters of nerve cells in the brain sometimes give abnormal signal leading to strange sensation in the body of the victim and in his behavior which can lead to convulsion or loss of consciousness.
Epilepsy is not a contagious disease as it is widely believe in Africa that a victim of epilepsy should not be touched especially when he or she is unconscious because it was believe such a person that have contact with the patient is likely to contract the disease.
The superstitious, spiritual believe, discrimination against the patient and stigmatization surrounding the disorder have make a lot patient die in silent. A young lady almost lost her life recently when she was admitted to hospital do you know that her family were trying convince the medical personnel that her ailment is not medically treatable because their believe is that it was a spiritual attack by some witches in their village rather than admitting she had epilepsy and can only be cured by traditional healer. a lot of people in Africa do not get treatment due to the stigma, myths and misconception surrounding the disorder.

1. That it was cause by some supernatural forces and it can only be cured by traditional healer or spiritualist
Their is nothing of such that it was a spiritual attacks that cause epilepsy it was just some certain tissue in the brain that refuse to develop or due to brain injury. do you know that some certain percent of American are suffering from epilepsy. So tell me if our own was caused by spiritual attack what would be the cause of people suffering from it in America.
2.Epilepsy is not an infection and for this reason it is not contagious.
You will not contract the disease by bodily contact with the patient so stop running away from them or stop giving them separate plate to eat. it is unfair
3. It is a genetically ailment
Do you know that epilepsy is hereditary and hereditary is a biological process whereby a parent passes certain genes onto their children or offspring. So it might not be their fault they are suffering from epilepsy it might have been passed by their parents or great grand parent to them.
4.The saliva and the foaming from the mouth of patient cannot transmit epilepsy
5.Epilepsy is not a spiritual attack,evil or a mysterious disease stop running away from people living with the disease
6. Epilepsy is a brain injury and not a lizard in the stomach of the patient as the native doctor and our movie industry we want us to believe.
7.Parent should stop locking their child or family member that is living with epilepsy at home, Instead they should seek medication for them seizure can be control to zero level of occurrence with a right drugs.

Epilepsy can be cause in so many ways
1. It can be cause through illness
2. It can also be from brain damage e.g head injuries during accident
3. Sometimes it can be from abnormal brain development
4. It can also be cause through genetics influence
5. Head trauma- It can occur through car accident or any traumatic injuries.
Although currently there is no permanent cure for epilepsy but it can be control with medication, In a recent research it was prove that with early diagnosis and right drugs patients symptoms will drastically improve and also their quality of life.
An uncontrolled epileptic patient can be treated with surgery known as Deep Brain Stimulation(DBS)
People with epilepsy can become seizure free or decrease the frequency of their seizure by taking anti-seizure medication know as anti- epileptic medication.
There is a need especially in Africa for our Government ,NGOs to create awareness on how epilepsy can be treated with medication and also Government should make and enforce law that will ban our movies industries from polluting peoples mind on health related issues such as Epilepsy, Mentally unstable patient etc that their illness are cause by spiritual or evil forces instead they should use their platform to teaches people that all this diseases such as epilepsy and insanity are mostly cause by brain disorder.

visit for more info

PDP: Nigerians Already Counting Days For APC ’s Exit From Power

•Declares Sheriff, Ojuogboh, Uzodinma rebels

•Makarfi inaugurates 88-man zoning committee

By Brandon Real in Abuja

The opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, yesterday declared that Nigerians are eager to have the party back in power at the national level because of the biting scarcity, hardship and poverty in the land.

Spokesman of the Ahmed Makarfi-led Caretaker Committee, Dayo Adeyeye who spoke to journalists in Abuja yesterday said Nigerians are already counting days for the All Progressives Congress, APC, because they want this government to go.

Adeyeye said: “They want PDP to come back to power. In the days of the PDP’s 16 years in power, it was a time of plenty and we have seen one year of scarcity, hardship and poverty in the land. It is obvious that Nigerians are not happy with the present state of affairs; so they are eager to have PDP back.

“People are already counting days for the APC because they want this government to go and PDP is poised to take over power but we need to do the needful, organise a transparent convention to bring in the right men and women to take over the operations of the party.”

The PDP spokesman also described the activities of the former national chairman of the party, Ali Modu Sheriff, his key allies, Dr. Cairo Ojuogboh and Senator Hope Uzodinma as “rebellious.”

He said it was a wrong perception for one to think that because a few disgruntled elements in the party are aggrieved, then the party has broken into factions.

Adeyeye, who spoke shortly after the inauguration of the 88-member zoning committee for the forthcoming PDP national convention said the party had decided not to wield the big stick but rather to continue to seek reconciliation in hope that the aggrieved party men will retrace their steps.
He said: “There are no factions in the PDP.

You see, there could be a few rebels, a few disgruntled people for one reason or the other but if you know our party and the array of personalities in it, you will ask yourself what is a party made up of? The answer is that in a party, you have the governors, members of the National Assembly, state chapters and elders, all of them are together”.

Adeyeye said that as far as he was concerned, PDP is one united family, adding that the fact that one or two people are complaining and registering their unhappiness does not mean there is a faction of the party.

“We are going to have a very free, fair and open convention, a unity convention in Port Harcourt on August 17. PDP remains the biggest party in Nigeria and I can confidently say that by this time next year, our opponents, who are today in power, a good number of its members will be begging to join the PDP. Nigerians are yearning for PDP.”

While inaugurating the zoning committee headed by the Ebonyi State Governor David Umahi, Makarfi noted that it was senseless for the Party to have zoned both presidency and chairmanship to the same region (North) during the ill- fated May 21 national convention.

He however urged the committee to ensure that they conclude their assignment within one week.

Makarfi said he believed that with the quality of personnel in the committee, there was no doubt that they would leave up to the expectations of members.

“Whatever decision you reach will be widely accepted by all. I do not see you coming up with recommendation that would be querried. Open the political landscape and not restricting the chairmanship of the party to one corner.

“Open the political landscape so that all the materials that we have from the south will come out; so that we get the best from the pack.

“I assure you, we are not going to print a single form for any position. We will print forms for all aspirants for any office. It is not an anointment but an election,” he said.

Return Home, Militants Advise South-east, South South Indigenes



The Adaka Boro Avengers (ABA) and other militant groups have asked indigenes of South-East and South-South all over Nigeria to immediately come back home.

Specifically, they called on former President Goodluck Jonathan; elder statesman, Chief Edwin Clark; King Alfred Diete Spiff; Ankio Briggs; Joseph Eva; Patrick Fufein, Pastor Good, past and present military personnel from the Niger Delta region, present senators and members of the Houses of Representatives to come to Kaiama for the official declaration of the Niger Delta Republic on August 1.

In a statement issued on Sunday, July 24, General Edmos Ayayeibo, the group’s spokesman, reiterated the earlier order that Northerners and South Westerners should vacate the South-South before August 1.

He warned the Federal Government to “move out all military personnel and all government agencies out of the Niger Delta,” noting that “failure will lead to destruction of military barracks and personnel.”

General Ayayeibo also warned that non-indigenes of South-South and SouthEast who remained in Niger Delta after the declaration of independence would have themselves to blame.

“The Nigerian community is aware of what happened some weeks back after our seven days ultimatum given to the multinational oil companies in the Niger Delta. Every one witnessed how many lives that were lost and how many oil installations that were destroyed,”

General Ayayeibo said. The statement reads in part, “We are also using this medium to call on the Niger Delta famous sons and daughters. Pa E. K. Clark, King Alfred Diete Spiff, His Excellency Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Ankio Briggs, Joseph Eva, Patrick Fufein, Pastor Good, the children of late Pa Isaac Adaka Boro, past and present military personnel from the Niger Delta region. “Past and present governors from the Niger Delta, past and present senators and Houses of Representatives members. “Finally all sons and daughters of Niger Delta Republic to come to Kaiama for the official declaration of the Niger Delta Republic.” Independent recalls that on Wednesday, July 20, leaders of the Hausa and Yoruba communities in Warri dismissed ABA’s August 1 ultimatum to leave the South South.

One Mallam Rabiu Abdulraman, leader of Hausa youths in the town who spoke in Hausa Quarters, Igbudu area of Warri, said while the Ijaw militants had the right to agitate “for whatever they claim to be their right, they should also remember that other law-abiding Nigerian citizens who believe in the unity of the country have their rights to be protected and live in any part of the country of their choice.”

Similarly, Mr. Abiodun Oguntomisin, a Yoruba youth, said that no group could chase away Yoruba people from any part of Nigeria.

He said that the Yoruba also have militant group in Nigeria known to all and warned the Niger Delta militants to rethink their decision.

Oguntommisin accused the militants of pursuing a selfish agenda and added that “nobody will benefit from this unbridled brigandage of the Niger Delta militants.

Their leaders and our so-called human rights groups should call them to order now instead of keeping quiet in the face of the wreckage they are causing the nation because of imagined or perceived marginalisation by successive governments.”

Independent further recalls that ADA had on Tuesday, July 5, indicated that it would team up with the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) to attack more oil installations in the Niger Delta.

The activities of these militant groups have negatively affected Nigeria’s crude oil production and sales. As at May 2016, Nigeria’s oil production had dropped to 1.65m barrels a day, the lowest output in 22 years, as a result of resurgence of militant activities in the Niger Delta region.

Meanwhile, Ultimate Warriors of Niger Delta (UWND), an affiliate of the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA), alleged on Sunday that the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), which recently unveiled the names of some respected leaders from the region to negotiate on behalf of the militants, is only working to free Henry and Charles Okah.

MEND had earlier confirmed that it was in talks with the Federal Government to end attacks on oil pipelines in the Niger Delta region and urged the Federal Government to ignore NDA, whose members it described as criminals.

Anambra Records $5m Vegetable Exports To Europe- The Vanguard


In a bid to underscore the importance of diversifying the economy and attracting more industries to Anambra state, Chief Willy Obiano has confirmed that the concise Economic Blueprint, made up of The Four Pillars of Development; including Agriculture, Industrialization, Trade and Commerce and Oil and Gas he developed on assumption of office has started yielding dividends.

The governor who spoke in Abuja in an interactive session he had with the People of Anambra living in the North central part of the country at the Transcorp Hilton stated that the state is now a socially stable, business-friendly environment attracting both indigenes and foreigners to seek wealth-creating opportunities.

To this end, he told the audience which included the Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Alfred Achebe, Dr Oby Ezekwesili both PDP and APC members of the National Assembly, former Governor Chinweoke Mbadinuju and several others that Anambra State Investment Agency, ANSIPPA, charged with the mandate of attracting and fast-tracking investments in the state has so far attracted over $4.2 billion deals to the state.

The latest investment he confirmed was sealed on Tuesday last week with Zolt Energy Limited to build a 40 megawatts Embedded Power Generating Plant in Ogbaru. When completed in the next 18 months as scheduled, all the power generated from it will be distributed mainly in Anambra State.

On the state of agriculture, Obiano who was giving a score card of his two and half years stay in office disclosed that “in January this year, Anambra made headlines when it became the first state in Nigeria to export vegetables (Ugu and Onugbu) valued at $5million to Europe.

At the same time, our locally produced brand of rice known as Anambra Rice recently emerged the Best Rice in Africa at an African Products Forum in Lagos. Anambra Rice was adjudged better and more wholesome than other competing brands from South Africa, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Namibia and Cameroon.

Our agricultural sector has also attracted investments from 7 companies valued at $1.011bn while the large industrial farms have pushed our local rice production from 90,000 metric tons to 210,000 metric tons. At this rate, we shall soon surpass the 320,000 metric tons we consume in Anambra State per annum” Obiano told the capacity crowd at the Congress Hall that the Oil and Gas Advisory Committee headed by Dr.Emmanuel Egboga, the former Special Adviser to the President on Petroleum Matters has been charged with drafting a comprehensive Blueprint for the Oil & Gas sector and advising the State on the necessary steps that would ensure the recognition of Anambra as the 10th Oil Producing State in Nigeria.

Why Aisha Buhari Sued Fayose - Aisha's Counsel, Mary Ekpere-Eta

By Aidoghie Paulinus

WIFE of the president, Aisha Buhari has explained why he sued Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose. Mrs. Buhari who spoke through

her counsel, Mary Ekpere-Eta of Mary Ekpere & Co, Legal Practitioners said she took the decision to let the public know that “nobody is above the law.”

She is suing Fayose for defamation of character. Ekpere-Eta also said that “most importantly,” suing Fayose was to let the public know that “the immunity

clause is inexhaustible. It can be unveiled in certain instances.”

Fayose had on July 8, 2016, through his lawyer, Chief Mike Ozekhome said

Mrs. Buhari should wait till October 16, 2018, when he would be leaving office

before having recourse to the law, premising his position on the immunity

clause which precludes him from any legal attack.

But Mrs. Buhari disagreed, saying the law also presupposes and presumes that any person holding a position of authority should be responsible.

“And when such a person conducts himself irresponsibly, the clause of immunity maybe unveiled,” she said.

While expressing hope that justice would be done in the case, the president’s wife stated that Fayose ought to be a role model in the society as a governor.

Buhari also said getting justice in the case would have nothing to do with the influence of the first family, noting that the judiciary of Nigeria was doing its best and cannot be influenced by anybody irrespective of the office, but works strictly according to the rule of law. On the confusion between the Jefferson case and the Halliburton scandal, Mrs. Buhari said it was the duty of Fayose to enlighten the public about his facts.

Counsel to the president’s wife had written a letter dated June 22, 2016, to Governor Fayose, demanding a retraction of the governor’s statement that the president’s wife was involved in the Halliburton scandal. She threatened legal action if the retraction wasnot made within five days.

But in the letter dated July 8, 2016, Ozekhome affirmed that the statement made regarding the involvement of Mrs. Buhari in the Halliburton scandal was “correct and justified in law, having regards to a court judgment convicting one Mr William Jefferson for bribery in the Halliburton case.”

Why We Attacked Catholic Church In Suleja - Suspect Reveals

AN 18-year old suspect, Abba Usman, who allegedly participated in the recent attack by some Muslim youths on St. Philips Catholic Church, Suleja, Niger State, has ruled out religious extremism for his gang’s action.

Rather, the suspect, who said he hailed from Manumfachi in Katsina State, stated that some female members of the church should be blamed for playing musical instruments so loud, dancing and making noise while a Juma’at prayer was going on at the mosque opposite the church on Friday, July 15.

He stated this last Thursday when he was paraded by Niger State Police Command in Minna.

The suspect with no fixed address, who also claimed to be a scavenger of scraps on refuse dumps at Suleja and its environs, added that shortly after the Juma’at prayers on the fateful day, he and other youths went to the church premises to attack the church over what he described as the effrontery of the congregation to disturb the peace of the mosque while prayers were going on.

“We went to the church to teach them a bitter lesson so that they will never disturb the peace of the mosque again, especially on a Friday when we are having a prayer. They have the whole of Sunday to themselves and we have never disturbed them from doing their own programmes,” he said.

The suspect told Crime Reports that female members of the church fled in different directions on sighting the youths while the security guard who refused to leave his duty post was severely beaten.

“We all entered the church and vandalised some of their property, while we took some of their musical instruments and other valuables. I went for two of the microphones with the aim of selling them, but I was not lucky as I was caught with them,” the suspect stated.

While addressing journalists, the state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bala Elkana, described the action of the the youth that attacked the church as criminal, disclosing that police received a distress call that Friday at about 2:00p.m that some youths were vandalising the property of the church.

“On the receipt of that complaint, we sent our Rapid Response Team to the scene but before the police team got there, many of the youth had fled. However, Abah Usman was caught in action,” he said.

He pointed out that it was clear that the intent of the hoodlums was not religious but to steal, as the suspect was arrested with two microphones stolen from the church, while others went away with other items.

He added that the state Police Commissioner, Abubakar Marafa, had ordered that the police operatives should clear the hoodlums’ hideouts and prosecute any suspect arrested in connection with the case.

Why Kebbi Denies Dangote Land –bagudu

Business mogul, Alhaji Aliko Dangote’s plan to establish a sugar plantation and a factory in Kebbi State may have hit the rock, as indigenous land owners, who are mostly farmers, have refused to release their farm land.

Governor Abubakar Atiku Bagudu said this at an interactive session with intellectuals of Kebbi State origin working at Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The session was held at the university’s auditorium. Also in attendance were members of the Kebbi State Students’ Union, UDUS chapter.

Governor Bagudu said that even at the offer of compensation, the farmers tenaciously held on to their land, saying that Dangote’s investment will not serve their interest.

He said, “Dangote Industries’ application for 54,000 hectares of land to establish a sugar factory pre-dated my administration, but they could only identify about 24,000 hectares suitable for sugar cane cultivation.

“When we came on board, there was pressure on us because all of those 24,000 hectares belong to farmers. And the proposal we met on ground was that those farmers would be paid compensation of about a hundred thousand naira per hectare.”

He said further, “As a government, the whole cabinet looked at the proposal. Our concern is, you are going to pay a farmer hectare of land where he produces his crops. You will be making an income of 700,000 a year where he has been making 100,000 and make him a labourer forever. How as a social policy can you justify this opportunity cost?

“What is the net contribution in output that this investment is going to bring, for instance, if you are replacing your current production of rice by the production of sugar cane?

“Let there be no mistakes about it, we welcome investors and we thank Dangote Industries for identifying Kebbi as one of those states he wants to invest in. But above all, the most important thing is the need to ensure that investments serve and benefit our people.

“We hope to convince Dangote that there are other ways this can be done to have better security for his investment, like agreeing that our farmers become his out-growers and he buys from them for production in his factory.”

On adding value to rice and wheat production, which the state is noted for, Governor Bagudu explained that his administration built two models whereby a farmer, given sufficient inputs without subsidy, would inevitably achieve better outcome than a farmer receiving subsidy but insufficient inputs.

“When we tested this by interacting with farmers, we were surprised by their acceptance of adequate inputs without subsidy versus subsidy without adequate inputs,” he said.

He identified lack of human resources, inadequate infrastructure and apathy to developmental values on the part of youths as problems of education in the state.

Bagudu also used the occasion to outline remarkable achievements his administration had recorded since assumption of office.

The event with over 40 Kebbi State indigenously ranked professors and others in attendance was chaired by Prof. Abdullahi Abdu Zuru, Vice-Chancellor, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, also an indigene of Kebbi State.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo's Multi-Million Five-star Hotel (Photos)

Cristiano Ronaldo opens the doors of his new five-star hotel this week - and we can reveal what is inside.

The Euro 2016 and Champions League winner is currently on holiday on Ibiza, recovering from a busy season on board a private yacht.

But the Real Madrid superstar, 31, will return to his native Funchal in Madeira for the grand opening of his boutique hotel this Friday.

It is designed to appeal to “millennial traveller”, according to the chain, with the hotel aiming to become a "trendsetter" in the Portuguese harbour spot.

The stylish hotel is decorated with Ronaldo memorabilia, with signed shirts adorning some of the walls in a “contemporary art deco” style - the floors are furnished with grass-effect carpets.

There are 48 rooms, with the basic rooms priced at £180-a-night - all equipped with WIFI, mood lighting and high tech shower heads.

And the single CR7 suite -which costs £575-a-night - boasts a PlayStation4 , virtual reality glasses and games, plus cardio workout equipment.

The hotel wellness suite even offer a CR7 “Get in Shape” programme for guests hoping to replicate a Ronaldo six-pack, accompanying its exclusive outdoor gym and sauna facilities.

The rooftop swimming pool appears to be the highlight of the hotel, overlooking the views of Funchal and the harbour.

The hotel - just a stones thrown away from Ronaldo’s official museum - is the first of four the former Manchester United player is involved in launching.

The £70million Pestana CR7 portfolio will be completed by a luxury site in Lisbon that will open later this year, while sites in Madrid and New York are due to launch in 2017 .

DSS Arrests Mastermind Of Buhari Coup Rumour

The Department of State Services has arrested one Jones Abari, aka Gen. Akotebe Darikoro, for the alleged mastermind of a hoaxed plan to overthrow President Muhammad Buhari by the military.

A statement issued by an official of the service, Mr Tony Opuiyo in Abuja on Saturday said Abari was arrested in Yenagoa on July 21.

Opuiyo described the suspect as the leader of the Joint Revolutionary Council of the Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force ( JNDLF).

He said that Abari had confessed to other criminal activities which included a threat to launch missile attacks on selected targets in Abuja and Aso Rock.

Others include writing threat messages to the management of the Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC) and the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) demanding for N500 million and N250 million respectively.

He said that the suspect also masterminded the vandalism of NAOC trunk line in Ogboinbiri, Southern Ijaw and bombing of SPDC oil pipeline.

In another development, the DSS said it had arrested a suspected terrorist, Bulama Ramat, at the Jabi Motor Park, FCT on July 21.

He said that prior to his arrest, Ramat was planning to attack the Federal Capital Territory and its environs in collaboration with other elements of an extremist cell of the Boko Haram group.

Opuiyo said that the service also made other arrests within the month of July in Enugu, Ondo, Jos, Kaduna, Yenagoa, Port Harcourt and Kano states.

The service urged all citizens and residents to remain vigilant and report all suspicious persons, parcels or vehicles to the nearest security formation.

“Members of the public are further called upon to see our societal and individual safety as our collective responsibility,” he said.

He advised the public to support security and law enforcement agencies with critical information that would assist in providing a safe environment for all to carry out their legitimate businesses.


Rapist “Baddo” Burnt Alive In Ikorodu (Graphic Photos)

There was a stiff uproar earlier today in the of Ikorodu as angry residents who has known no sleep for months finally got hold of baddo recall that on the 12th of June another notorious rapist was caught by the residents but he was handed over to the king of ibeshe land, unfortunately, the king asked to hand him over to the Police

In the wee hour of today, Baddo raped an 8 year old girl during a celestial church vigil, the church members pursued him after one of the members found the victim lying down helpless

He was finally caught while hiding inside a primary school, the residents gave him the beating of his life.

Jibrin On N40bn Budget Allegation: I’m Ready To Provide Evidence Against Dogara

Abdulmunin Jibrin, former chairman of house committee on appropriations, says he is ready to substantiate his allegations against Yakubu Dogara, speaker of the federal house of representatives, and three other leaders of the house.

Following his removal as chairman of appropriations committee, Jibrin had accused Dogara; Yusuf Lasun, deputy speaker; Alhassan Ado Doguwa, house whip; and Leo Ogor, house minority leader, of padding the 2016 budget with N40 billion.

In a statement released through his lawyers on Friday, Jibrin urged the lower chamber to institute a special investigation so that he would have the opportunity to “testify and provide evidence against them”.

“The above quartet have resorted to blackmail our client into silence and to further harass his person and family using the instrument of the obstructive coercion and perversion of due process by deploying, albeit illegally some elements of the Nigeria Police,” read the statement.

“You will recall that our client is in dispute with the said quartet over his refusal and inability to admit into the National Budget of 2016, the sum of about 30 Billion Naira at the behest of these quartet and also his refusal to cover up the decision of Speaker Dogara and others’ unilateral decision to distribute to themselves 40 Billion Naira out of the 100 Billion Naira allocated to the entire National Assembly in addition to what our client considers as wasteful projects of over 20 Billion Naira to their (quartet) various constituencies.

“We now have it on good authority that these quartet acting in concert are at the moment using some elements within the police to monitor, harass, intimidate and hound our client into an unwarranted detention with the purpose of inhibiting his right to move freely and to express himself as contained in Chapter 4 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

“The purpose of their antics is to upturn the narrative and paint our client as the black sheep in the flock, and cleverly presenting themselves as transparent angels.

“Accordingly, we have made appropriate representations to the Inspector General of Police and other relevant security agencies in the Country drawing their attention to this unwarranted and ill-intentioned steps taken by these quartet and not to allow themselves (security agencies) to be used to execute the personal objectives of these quartet; more so appropriate legal action has been taken by our client, as a law abiding citizen, to protect his fundamental rights as guaranteed by our laws.

“Finally, we hasten to advise Speaker Dogara and the 3 other principal officers mentioned here not to descend to the narrow aim of dragging the institution of the House of Representatives into their personal fight and to note that by virtue of the institution he leads and as a lawyer, he should act within the confines of the Rule of Law and allow the House of Representatives to institute a special investigation into this matter where our client will have the opportunity earlier denied him by the quartet to testify and provide evidence against them because he who comes to equity must come with clean hands.”

Saturday 23 July 2016

Antonio Conte reveals Chelsea backroom staff - including his BROTHER as one of three assistants

The Blues have confirmed who will work alongside the new boss, as he embarks on his first season of management in the Premier League

Darren Walsh
Conte's assistants have been confirmed
Chelsea have confirmed the complexion of Antonio Conte’s backroom team as he begins his Stamford Bridge career.
The 46-year-old was confirmed as the new Blues manager in April but he was unable to take immediate control of the club.
He was still manager of Italy and had to lead out his country at Euro 2016 in his last act as head coach of the national side, report Get West London.
Conte signed a three-year contract to replace interim boss Guus Hiddink after the Dutchman was parachuted in to steady the ship after the sacking of Jose Mourinho.
Former Juventus boss Conte had been in discussions with Chelsea chiefs for weeks before he put pen to paper on his lucrative deal.
Much of the wrangling in the negotiations centred around the staff the Italian wanted to install at the Bridge as part of his rebuilding project.
Getty Images Assistant coach Italy Angelo Alessio during Italy Training Session at Coverciano on September 2, 2014 in Florence, Italy.
Angelo Alessio joins Conte at Chelsea
Getty Images Coach Antonio Conte
Conte's brother Gianluca is also involved in the set-up

He has already overseen his first couple of Blues games on the club’s pre-season tour of Austria but only now have the identities of his subordinates been revealed.
Conte will be joined by three assistants with new faces Angelo Alessio and his brother Gianluca Conte joining existing coach Steve Holland.
Alessio coached the Napoli youth teams, then Imolese, Massese and Spal, before teaming up with Conte at Siena in 2010.
Clive Mason/Getty Chelsea coach Steve Holland gestures
Steve Holland remains at Chelsea
Getty Images Italy fitness coach Paolo Bertelli during Italy Training Session at Coverciano on September 2, 2014 in Florence, Italy.
Paolo Bertelli also joins the team
From there their partnership continued at Juve, the national team and now west London with the Blues.
Conte’s younger brother, Gianluca was also a youth player at Lecce like Antonio and is likely to focus on analysing Premier League opponents.
Chelsea will operate under Conte with three fitness coaches in Paolo Bertelli, Julio Tous and Chris Jones.
Bertelli and Tous worked with the new manager as part of the Italian national team while Jones, like Holland, was already part of the furniture.
Getty Gianluca Spinelli
Gianluca Spinelli comes in as goalkeeping coach
Darren Walsh
Christophe Lollichon is expected to leave Chelsea
New assistant fitness coach Costantino Coratti also arrives from the Azzurri setup.
The future of Christophe Lollichon, who reportedly fell out with Thibaut Courtois, is now in major doubt with the goalkeeping coach seemingly out of the picture.
Gianluca Spinelli has been appointed to that position under Conte and will be assisted by former backup shot-stopper Henrique Hilario.
Carlo Cudicini, who has been with the group in Austria, will be taking up a position as a club ambassador as well as assisting the boss.
Tiberio Ancora will act as a consultant personal trainer and nutritionist to complete the new-look line-up.
Conte and his staff are due to jet off to the USA this weekend to continue their preparations for their debut campaign.

Sunderland appoint former Manchester United manager David Moyes on four-year deal

The Scot has replaced new England boss Sam Allardyce, with his first port of call being to sanction deals for Micah Richards and Yann M'Vila

Sunderland have appointed David Moyes as their new manager
David Moyes has been appointed Sunderland manager after signing a four-year deal with the club.
The former Manchester United and Everton boss will be paid more than the £2million-a-year Sam Allardyce earned at the Stadium of Light.
Speaking to the club's website, Moyes said: “I am delighted to have joined Sunderland. I am relishing the challenge and excited by the opportunity.
“I have taken over a big British club, with a great support and I’m looking forward to working in the Premier League again.
“I look forward to continuing the good work done by Sam.”
Sunderland moved swiftly to finalise an arrangement with Moyes yesterday after hammering out a £3million compensation deal with the FA for Allardyce’s release to the England job.
Pointedly Sunderland didn’t wish former boss Allardyce luck in the job, fuming that they have had their pre-season disrupted.
Sunderland have £5million Micah Richards lined up and play-maker Yann M’Vila said this week he wanted to join after last season’s successful loan spell. Moyes will now have to convince him make the move from Rubin Kazan.
AFP/Getty Micah Richards warms up
Lined up: A £5million deal has been sanctioned
Action Images via Reuters Sunderland's Yann M'Vila acknowledges fans during a lap of honour after the game
Coming back? M'Vila is keen to return after last year's loan spell

Moyes is back in football after being sacked at Old Trafford and Real Sociedad.
He believed the Sunderland job is a good fit, having had a decade of success at Everton.
The Scot has been set the task of removing Sunderland from their annual relegation battle and target the top half of the division.
Moyes could even be in charge for the friendly at Rotherham on Saturday afternoon.
Last role: Moyes was last seen at Real Sociedad in Spain
If not, Sunderland want him in charge to lead the trip to France with games against Stade Nyonnais, Dijon and Montpellier.
Moyes will get at least two years to rebuild Sunderland, and offer some managerial stability after four appointments in the last 16 months.
Moyes could get up to £40million to spend from Ellis Short, but is playing catch up with no new recruits so far this summer.

Six Dry Ports Being Built Across Nigeria To Be Linked To Rail Lines

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Shippers Council, Bar. Hassan Bello, has said the six dry ports (inland container deports - ICDs) being built across the country through public private partnership will be linked to rail lines to ease movement of cargo.

He stated this during a meeting with the various concessionaires and the minister of Transportation, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, to discuss issues bothering on the development of ICDs Projects across the country.
The ICDs will be located in Kano, Kaduna, Funtua  in Katsina State, Isiala Agwa in Abia, Jos in Plateau and Ibadan in Oyo State and all will be linked to the railways down to the sea ports, he said.

“The railway lines been developed are also to be linked to the ICDs so that imported goods can get to Nigerians quickly without the stress of having to truck them all the way from Lagos, Port Harcourt or Warri,” he said.

Webometrics Transparent Ranking Of Universities 2016: UNN Tops In Nigeria

Webometrics has recently released the openness ranking of World universities for the second half of 2016, within which less than 50 Nigerian universities were included; With Harvard University (USA) coming first in the world as usual.

Openness refers to the total number of pdf files of a university according to google. It relies on information (statistics) of web publications of a University for a Specific period of time; available on google scholar. It therefore based on volume of research articles published by a university.

The quantity of google scholarly articles a university has reveals how much of research is being conducted by the university; which is what openness ranking is all about – a university’s research output.

Openness rank is a part of the many indicators that make up several university rankings, others being excellence, presence and visibility; for Webometrics. Although it does not exactly specify the impact of the research papers a university has; the openness indicator however reveals the extent to which a school is engaged in research, which is what world class institutions are known for.

Although no Nigerian university was among the first 1000 in the world, University of Nigeria ranked highest of the Nigerian universities on the list, followed by University of Ibadan, University of Ilorin and Covenant University respectively. Below is the list of the top 30 Nigerian universities in the Webometrics 2016 Openness ranking for world universities. Their respective world ranks are those enclosed within brackets. The July 2016 edition of the Webometrics ranking of world universities (overall ranking of all parameters); of which openness rank constitute 10% by weight of is expected to be released next week.

1. University of Nigeria, Nsukka. UNN (1433)

2. University of Ibadan, Ibadan. UI (1613)

3. University of Ilorin, Ilorin. UNILORIN (2114)

4. Covenant University, Ota. CU (2161)

5. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. UNIZIK (2173)

6. University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt. UNIPORT (2190)

7. University of Lagos, Lagos. UNILAG (2243)

8. University of Calabar, Calabar. UNICAL (2333)

9. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. UNAAB (2364)

10. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. ABU (2372)

11. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. OAU (2473)

12. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. LAUTECH (2585)

13. University of Uyo, Uyo. UNIUYO (2655)

14. Federal University of Technology, Minna. FUTMINNA (2682)

15. University of Benin, Ugbowo. UNIBEN (2703)

16. Federal University of Technology, Akure. FUTA (2835)

17. Bayero University, Kano. BUK (2909)

18. Redeemer’s University, Mowe. RUN (2937)

19. Lagos State University, Ojo. LASU (2939)

20. Osun State University, OSU (3074)

21. University of Jos, Jos. UNIJOS (3173)

22. Federal University, Ndufu-Alike Ikwo. FUNAI (3242)

23. Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt. RSUT (3295)

24. Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti. ABUAD (3330)

25. Landmark University, Omu-aran LU (3422)

26. Federal University of Technology, Owerri. FUTO (3423)

27. Enugu State University of Technology, Enugu. ESUT (3433)

28. University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri. UNIMAID (3465)

29. Federal University of Dutsin Ma, Dutsin-Ma (3478)

30. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. MOUA (3515).


Death By Fallen Tree: Pregnant Woman Rots In Ondo Mortuary Over Culture (photo)

Tunde Ajaja

To 35-year-old Sunday Effiong, an indigene of Akwa Ibom State who lives in Idanre in Ondo State, there is no better definition for multiple tragedies than what has befallen him in the past few weeks.

The chain of events started on June 8, 2016 when he lost his wife, 28-year-old Joshua Justina, in a pitiable but avoidable manner in a farm, where she and her six-year-old nephew were knocked down by a tree being felled by someone in the farm. Since then, the father of three has been making efforts to deal with his numerous issues one at a time.

The couple, though not legally married before Justina’s death, live in a farm settlement, Ako School Camp, in Idanre with their three children, Abel, 8; Rose, 5; and John, 3. They both hail from Ukwok in Ini Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

As if losing a wife and mother of his three children were not enough, the corpse of his wife has been on the floor of the mortuary at the general hospital, Idanre, due to what seems like a brewing clash of tradition between the Akwa Ibom people and the Idanre community.

Given the circumstances that led to Justina Joshua’s death, the Idanre community insists that the woman has to be buried in the forest, beside the tree, while her relatives and the Akwa Ibom community insist that the corpse has to be taken to her village for proper burial, in line with their own tradition.

With the prevailing conflict of tradition, the corpse of Justina is lying on the floor of the mortuary, covered with a black nylon, while the foetus in her womb had yet to be removed. It’s a revolting sight, and seeing it would make anyone cry.

Meanwhile, Sunday, had yet to perform the normal marriage rites, thus, he is likely faced with the obligation of marrying the corpse, but that is just one of his worries. His major concern at the moment, in his words to Saturday PUNCH, is how to secure Justina’s corpse and take it home to her parents, as her family had put him under enormous pressure.

When our correspondent spoke with Sunday on the phone on Thursday, he was barely audible, as he had been thoroughly overwhelmed by the tragedy. But shortly after the incident, he had explained how it all happened to the Ondo State Director, Legal Aid Council of Nigeria, Kubiat Ikpidungise, who gave the details to Saturday PUNCH.

The director told Saturday PUNCH that on June 8, Sunday had just come back from the farm when his pregnant wife and her six-year-old nephew went back to the farm to pluck corn. But while they were still at it, a tree being felled somewhere close by someone fell on them, and got them trapped.

Our correspondent gathered that the tree cutter, on seeing what had happened, allegedly took to his heels, leaving the woman and the boy stuck under the tree. About one to two hours later, the owner of the farm, known as Aye, who sent the person to cut the tree, arrived the farm to see the progress of work done on his farm.

“That was when he heard the cries of a woman and that of a child and he then went towards that direction,” Ikpidungise said.

She continued, “The man was able to pull out the small boy. He asked the boy to take him to their camp, which is occupied by cocoa farm workers in the area. The man took the boy to the camp for identification while the woman remained under the tree. The people in the camp identified the boy as he told them what had happened.

“Painfully, the sister of the deceased, who is the mother of the six-year-old boy, was there, so, the three of them and some other persons in the camp went to the forest to rescue the woman, who had, understandably, lost strength. All this while, the man who was cutting the tree was on the run.”

Thankfully, Ikpidungise added, they were still able to rescue Justina alive, they rushed her to a nearby clinic and she was still able to answer some questions posed to her about what happened. But on getting there, seeing that her situation had become critical, the medical director of the clinic referred them to the Idanre general hospital.

Still optimistic, they headed for the general hospital, but Justina gave up the ghost at the gate.

It was learnt that the case was reported at the Olofin police station in Idanre and the owner of the farm, Aye, was arrested. He was able to produce the tree cutter, who was also arrested but was later released by the police for reasons not clear to the family of deceased.

Since Justina’s death, the best treatment she had got was to be laid on a slate on the floor of the mortuary due to the inability of the family to pay, while the foetus in her womb is still there, given that she died pregnant. The neglect, according to information, is due to the inability of the leaders of the community and the deceased’s family to reach a compromise on Justina’s corpse, which was already decaying.

Ikpidungise said, “As it is, the corpse is still at the veranda of the mortuary at the General Hospital, Idanre, covered with a tarpaulin or something that looks like a thick nylon. The king is insisting that they won’t take the corpse out of that community because it will go against their tradition, while the husband and the Akwa Ibom community are also insisting that the corpse should be released to them so she can be buried in her parents’ village, more so that she didn’t die in the forest.

“The man who cut the tree should have rushed to the scene to rescue her or at least call for help. But he ran away, leaving her and the six-year-old boy trapped under the tree. The police arrested him and set him free. They need to produce the man who cut that tree, because he’s the only one who can explain what happened. Why are they shielding him?

“I don’t have any problem with the custom of the Idanre people, but somebody has died, she did not die by the tree and she did not die in the forest, let her be taken out for burial. The first concern is how the corpse should leave the veranda. In one of their threats, the community said if the family of the deceased insist on going away with the corpse, they would send the Akwa Ibom people in the town away and seven people would die, whether on their way to bury her or while coming back.

“When did human life become so worthless that it should be left unburied? Are we so concerned with custom and tradition that we treat human beings, even though dead, with disdain, by putting her on the floor, with the foetus still in her womb? If only they can take the corpse to the general hospital in Akure, she will be better treated. Where is Aye and the man who caused Justina’s untimely death; is Aye not guilty of vicarious liability?”

Those were the questions on the lips of Sunday, Ikpidungise, the Akwa Ibom community and some other persons. Bothered by the plight of Sunday and the deceased’s family, the Legal Aid director contacted the founder of Jeshabel Touch-A-Heart Foundation, a human rights advocacy group in Lagos, which told Saturday PUNCH about the brewing dissension as regards the treatment being meted to the deceased and her family.

Founder and coordinator of the foundation, Mrs. Favour Benson, described the development as unfortunate, saying the foundation also had reports of some other corpses of people from Akwa Ibom State that had been abandoned in different mortuaries in the community.

Meanwhile, the President of Akwa Ibom community, Ondo State chapter, Mr. Young Akpan, in a telephone interview with our correspondent, said the conflict at the moment arose from the conflicting traditions of the two communities. He queried the release of the man who felled the tree by the police.

He said, “They said in their tradition, if a tree falls on somebody and the person dies, they have to bury the person at the bottom of the tree. We told them that in our own tradition too, if a person dies in a strange land, our own tradition demands that we take the corpse of that person home for burial.”

But what is the way forward? He said, “At the end of the day, we resolved that they should sponsor some people to her village to go and tell her family and the head of that clan, if they insist on taking that line of action. I even told them to let somebody from the royal council lead them there but they said no. They, however, agreed to sponsor a delegation home. The delegation came back on Friday with a letter to the Oba of Idanre.”

The letter, which was signed by the Ukwok clan head, His Royal Highness John Ukpong, appealed to the traditional ruler of Idanre release the corpse for burial.

“We humbly appeal that the corpse be released for burial,” the letter, which was sighted by our correspondent, partly read.

Meanwhile, our correspondent sought the reaction of the traditional ruler of the community, the Owa of Idanre, Oba Frederick Aroloye, about the issue. He said according to the tradition of the community, the woman would have to be buried by the tree.

He said on the phone, “According to our tradition in Idanre, if somebody dies as a result of a fallen tree or he falls from a palm tree, the person must be buried there. In the same vein, if a person dies in the river, he or she would be buried beside the river. That is our tradition. They must abide with it.”

While the two towns are still going back and forth on the issue, the body of Justina still lies at the veranda of the general hospital in Idanre – where she has been since June 8, 2016.

“Her parents said we should return the corpse, while the Idanre community is also insisting that she can’t be taken out of the town. The head of her community has written a letter to the Owa of Idanre. That is where we are now,” he said.

When asked why the tree cutter was released and not prosecuted, the Police Public Relations Officer in Ondo State, Mr. Femi Joseph, promised to get back to our correspondent, but he had yet to do so as of press time.

Tompolo's Father Battered, Leg Amputated

– Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo has cried out regarding his family’s safety

– The embattled ex-militant lord says his family is under sieges by security agents

– Tompolo says the intimidation by the security operatives is getting out of hand

– The militant leader says his father has been brutalized to a point his limb had to be amputated

Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo has said on Friday, July 22, that his family and associates were under siege by security agents.

– Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo has cried out regarding his family’s safety

– The embattled ex-militant lord says his family is under sieges by security agents

– Tompolo says the intimidation by the security operatives is getting out of hand

– The militant leader says his father has been brutalized to a point his limb had to be amputated

Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo has said on Friday, July 22, that his family and associates were under siege by security agents.

Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo warns that the brutality of his people is becoming too much.
Tompolo said the agents have treated his 84-year-old father roughly in Kurutie community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government.

According to The Vanguard, the brutal treatment meted to his father resulted in the amputation of his lower limbs, two weeks ago.

Tompolo made the disclosure in an open letter to President Muhammadu Buhari, which he indicated might be his last.

He said the continuous harassment and intimidation was getting out of hand, and he does not deserve it.

The ex-militant chief said after the military invaded Kurutie and brutalized his father, sympathizers managed to rescue him to Warri, where the hospital admitted him. “Sadly, one of his lower limbs was amputated two weeks ago. From the doctor’s report, it will be a thing of miracle if he survives this incident”.

“Is this 84- year- old man also a member of the Niger Delta Avengers that they brutalized to the point of death?” he asked.

He said that the harassment and intimidation was by the Nigeria Army, Navy and Department of State Services, DSS, in connivance with two chieftains of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta state, Chief Ayiri Emami and Chief Michael Johnny.

The ex-militant leader asked President Buhari: “Will Your Excellency accept this in good faith if this was done to your father or someone of this age in your family?”

Meanwhile, a report by Vanguard indicates that the Nigerian military have arrested suspected associates of ex-militant leader, Government Ekpemupolo, alias Tompolo, in Warri, Delta state.

A source who revealed the information said two of Tompolo’s ally a member of Delta Waterways and Land Security Committee (DWLSC) and an ex-councilor were arrested by soldiers on Tuesday, July 19.

The name of the duo arrest were given as Simon Bebenimibo and Bomboy Oluwa, who were said to have been taken to the military barracks in Effurun.

Reacting to the arrest, spokesperson of the Ijaw People Development Initiative (IPDI), Daniel Ezekiel, condemned the military for allegedly breaking into the residence of the DWLSC member through the roof and arresting him without a court warrant.

Friday 22 July 2016

Jose Mourinho admits Man United didn't have the "Formula 1" engine to match Borussia Dortmund

Henrikh Mkhitaryan grabbed the only goal for the Red Devils as he scored against his former club

Jose Mourinho admitted Manchester United were left in Borussia Dortmund's slipstream after an embarrassing 4-1 pre-season friendly defeat.
Mourinho said the defeat was like “Formula One against Formula Three”, with Dortmund nearly two weeks ahead of United in terms of their pre-season preparation.
United were sluggish in the searing 105F heat and stifling humidity of the Shanghai Stadium, beaten by a Dortmund team who Mourinho admitted were better in every respect.
“At the moment the engines are completely different,” said Mourinho.
“It's Formula One against Formula Three.
John Peters
Jesse Lingard wasted a golden opportunity in the first half
"After 10 minutes we knew that one team started training 10 days ago and had played one match, and the other started one month ago and had already played four games.
“It was so easy to see the difference in intensity and sharpness. For us it was very difficult.
“I don’t think I can analyse them [United's players] with this difference of power.
“At the moment they [Dortmund] are much sharper and you can see that easily, so it’s difficult to judge my players.
Action Images via Reuters / Thomas Peter Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho looks dejected after defeat
Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho looks dejected after defeat

Action Images via Reuters / Thomas Peter Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho talks with Juan Mata
Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho talks with Juan Mata

“The mentality, personality and attitude is there. It’s easy for me.
“But we have had 10 days of work, people are really tired and the match is against high quality opposition who are in a much more advanced stage of their preparation.
“It would be unfair to make any kind of decision [based on the defeat].
Action Images via Reuters / Thomas Peter Borussia Dortmund's Sven Bender in action with Manchester United's Jesse Lingard
Borussia Dortmund's Sven Bender in action with Manchester United's Jesse Lingard
Rex Features Players of Borussia Dortmund celebrate after Ousmane Dembele scores
Players of Borussia Dortmund celebrate after Ousmane Dembele scores
Rex Features Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang of Borussia Dortmund scores from the penalty spot
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang of Borussia Dortmund scores from the penalty spot

“But day by day they start winning my trust and start winning their positions in the squad and in the team.
“But the reality is that even in this situation we have six players that stayed in Europe, plus Chris Smalling and Wayne Rooney – we're speaking about 8 players not yet involved.
“Obviously there are some players here who are not going to stay in the squad, so the squad will be different than we are in this moment.”
Henrikh Mkhitaryan scored United's goal, with England sensation Marcus Rashford coming on for the second-half, after Mourinho had initially claimed he would not play on tour.
Action Images via Reuters / Thomas Peter Borussia Dortmund's Gonzalo Castro celebrates scoring their first goal with teammates as Manchester United's Antonio Valencia and Jesse Lingard look dejected
Borussia Dortmund's Gonzalo Castro celebrates scoring their first goal with teammates as Manchester United's Antonio Valencia and Jesse Lingard look dejected
Action Images via Reuters / Thomas Peter Borussia Dortmund's Gonzalo Castro celebrates scoring their first goal with Ousmane Dembele and Shinji Kagawa
Borussia Dortmund's Gonzalo Castro celebrates scoring their first goal with Ousmane Dembele and Shinji Kagawa
John Peters/Man Utd via Getty Images Eric Bailly of Manchester United in action during the pre-season friendly match between Manchester United and Borussia Dortmund at Shanghai Stadium on July 22, 2016 in Shanghai, China.
Eric Bailly of Manchester United in action during the pre-season friendly match between Manchester United and Borussia Dortmund at Shanghai Stadium on July 22, 2016 in Shanghai, China.
Action Images via Reuters Manchester United's Henrikh Mkhitaryan in action with Borussia Dortmund's Sven Bender
Manchester United's Henrikh Mkhitaryan in action with Borussia Dortmund's Sven Bender
John Peters/Man Utd via Getty Images Manager Jose Mourinho of Manchester United watches from the touchline during the pre-season friendly match between Manchester United and Borussia Dortmund at Shanghai Stadium on July 22, 2016 in Shanghai, China.
Manager Jose Mourinho of Manchester United watches from the touchline during the pre-season friendly match between Manchester United and Borussia Dortmund at Shanghai Stadium on July 22, 2016 in Shanghai, China.