Monday 25 July 2016

Epilepsy- A Brain Disorder Not A Spiritual Attack

There is a story recently on all our news about a lady who is an epileptic patient allegedly fell face down into fire on one of her epileptic feet and sustained severe burn to her face. A relative later find her unconscious inside fire(that is pathetic isn't it). what actually brought my attention to this story is advise all this sympathizer are giving to the relative of the patient that they should not take her to hospital but rather a local herbalist in a neighboring village because a whole lots of people still believe that epilepsy is a spiritual or cultural illness which only treatable using traditional therapies.
When we look at this scenario, we will find out that the level of awareness on epilepsy disease is very low. a whole lot of people still need orientation to change their mindset that epilepsy is not a spiritual attack on the patient but rather a brain injury which the causes will still be discuss later on.
In my recent research on the impact of our movie industry in creating awareness on a disease such as epilepsy, I found out that they have been causing more harm than good, a scene like this was play in our home video(Nollywood) patient will only end up in a religious house and after praying for two minute or consulting oracle she is heal. In essence, this is actually wrong a media house suppose to be the one to entertain and at the same time teaches people and create awareness on how to handle such a diseases and not polluting their mind i think government should try and do something about this issue.
It was these kind of situation that make me to pick up my pen and research on
what actually is the cause of Epilepsy?
Is their any treatment for this kind of diseases?
Is it a curable ailment?
Or is it actually a spiritual attack on the patient?
Is it actually true that their is a lizard in the stomach of patient as our native doctor and movie industry we want us to believe.
Here is a few point i have gather that i think you need to know about epilepsy, Its causes, Symptoms, and Treatment before we proceed what did we actually mean by epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in a lay man understanding a neurological disorder are disease of the brain,spine and also nerve that join them together. Epilepsy is other wise known as Seizure disorder, a seizure occur when some clusters of nerve cells in the brain sometimes give abnormal signal leading to strange sensation in the body of the victim and in his behavior which can lead to convulsion or loss of consciousness.
Epilepsy is not a contagious disease as it is widely believe in Africa that a victim of epilepsy should not be touched especially when he or she is unconscious because it was believe such a person that have contact with the patient is likely to contract the disease.
The superstitious, spiritual believe, discrimination against the patient and stigmatization surrounding the disorder have make a lot patient die in silent. A young lady almost lost her life recently when she was admitted to hospital do you know that her family were trying convince the medical personnel that her ailment is not medically treatable because their believe is that it was a spiritual attack by some witches in their village rather than admitting she had epilepsy and can only be cured by traditional healer. a lot of people in Africa do not get treatment due to the stigma, myths and misconception surrounding the disorder.

1. That it was cause by some supernatural forces and it can only be cured by traditional healer or spiritualist
Their is nothing of such that it was a spiritual attacks that cause epilepsy it was just some certain tissue in the brain that refuse to develop or due to brain injury. do you know that some certain percent of American are suffering from epilepsy. So tell me if our own was caused by spiritual attack what would be the cause of people suffering from it in America.
2.Epilepsy is not an infection and for this reason it is not contagious.
You will not contract the disease by bodily contact with the patient so stop running away from them or stop giving them separate plate to eat. it is unfair
3. It is a genetically ailment
Do you know that epilepsy is hereditary and hereditary is a biological process whereby a parent passes certain genes onto their children or offspring. So it might not be their fault they are suffering from epilepsy it might have been passed by their parents or great grand parent to them.
4.The saliva and the foaming from the mouth of patient cannot transmit epilepsy
5.Epilepsy is not a spiritual attack,evil or a mysterious disease stop running away from people living with the disease
6. Epilepsy is a brain injury and not a lizard in the stomach of the patient as the native doctor and our movie industry we want us to believe.
7.Parent should stop locking their child or family member that is living with epilepsy at home, Instead they should seek medication for them seizure can be control to zero level of occurrence with a right drugs.

Epilepsy can be cause in so many ways
1. It can be cause through illness
2. It can also be from brain damage e.g head injuries during accident
3. Sometimes it can be from abnormal brain development
4. It can also be cause through genetics influence
5. Head trauma- It can occur through car accident or any traumatic injuries.
Although currently there is no permanent cure for epilepsy but it can be control with medication, In a recent research it was prove that with early diagnosis and right drugs patients symptoms will drastically improve and also their quality of life.
An uncontrolled epileptic patient can be treated with surgery known as Deep Brain Stimulation(DBS)
People with epilepsy can become seizure free or decrease the frequency of their seizure by taking anti-seizure medication know as anti- epileptic medication.
There is a need especially in Africa for our Government ,NGOs to create awareness on how epilepsy can be treated with medication and also Government should make and enforce law that will ban our movies industries from polluting peoples mind on health related issues such as Epilepsy, Mentally unstable patient etc that their illness are cause by spiritual or evil forces instead they should use their platform to teaches people that all this diseases such as epilepsy and insanity are mostly cause by brain disorder.

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