Wednesday 25 November 2015

Are you failing in the bedroom? This many women have NEVER had an orgasm

THOUGHT you were pleasing her in the bedroom? Think again.
 FAKING IT: Around 50% of British women have never an orgasm with a sexual partner
A whopping 50% of British women have never reached orgasm with a sexual partner, a recent study revealed.
So are we living with a nation of unsatisfied women? Not necessarily. It seems that ladies are more than capable of getting their kicks alone, with 89% confessing they often orgasm by themselves.
Couple having sex
RELAX: More than a third of women said they can't relax when they are naked in front of the
So what are UK men doing wrong? Don't panic, your technique is probably not to blame.
More than a third of the 2,500 women polled claim they feel to self-conscious about their bodies that they can't relax and "let go" in front of their partner.
Half of women also said they would like more passion under the sheets – which may be contributing to their shocking annual spend on spicing up their sex life.
Participants, in the study by Voucher Codes Pro, admitted to spending an average of £324 a year items such as saucy sex toys and kinky bondage in a bid to heat things up.
But it seems this may be being used to mask issues within relationships.
THRILLS: However 89% are getting off on their own
“It’s important to remember that no amount of expensive sex toys, lingerie or costumes will help solve sexual problems that may be apparent in one’s relationship," says George Charles, spokesperson for
"The only way to truly deal with these kind of issues is through communicating with one another. Only you know how your partner can improve, so be sure to communicate that with them."

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