Wednesday 25 November 2015

ISIS vs al-Qaida: Terror group leaders 'decimated' in suicide attack

ISIS has been left reeling after the leadership of one of it's most bloodthirsty brigades was WIPED OUT in an al-Qaida attack.
WIPED OUT: Notorious ISIS leader "The Uncle" was blown to bits in the attack G
WIPED OUT: Notorious ISIS leader "The Uncle" was blown to bits in the attack
The head of the notorious Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade was slaughtered along with six of his top men in a suicide bombing, according to new reports.
Relations between the groups deteriorated when Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed himself to be the "leader of all Muslims".
Forced to share the spotlight after a string of ISIS outrages, al-Qaida declared war on their rival jihadis.
ANNIHILATED: Muhammad 'Abu-Ali' al-Baridi IG
ANNIHILATED: Muhammad 'Abu-Ali' al-Baridi – the sick killer known as 'the uncle'
BOSS MAN: 'The uncle' pledged allegiance to ISIS IG
ANNIHILATED: 'The uncle' pledged allegiance to ISIS earlier this year
“There were body parts scattered everywhere.”
But the destruction of the competing side's leadership represents a serious escalation of the conflict.
The leader killed in the attack, Muhammad "Abu-Ali" al-Baridi - an infamous killer known as "The Uncle – was blown to bits, witnesses said.
“We heard the sound of a strong explosion coming from the former Baath Party headquarters in the village,” one told Syria direct.
Ayman al-Zawahiri (left) and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 
BITTER RIVALS: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri (left) and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
“We ran to the place, and there were body parts scattered everywhere.”
And al-Nusra front, al-Qaida's Syrian arm, were quick to take credit for the massacre.
The group soon took to Twitter to gloat about the "heroic" attack and demanding ISIS surrender.
The attack happened in the south of Syria GOOGLE
BOOM: The attack happened in the south of Syria
Responding, the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade said: “The martyrdom of the leaders will only make us more determined."
"Blood and sacrifice is welcome for God’s sake,” the group added.
But Alex Fishman, a veteran military reporter for Israel's Yediot Aharonot, said the attack had wiped out the group's leadership.
He said: “The Islamic State that controls the area suffered a severe blow and lost its entire top command in the area in one fell swoop."
It's thought that the attack took place on November 15 in Golan Heights, Israel.
But a correspondent for Fox News speculated that the news was only now emerging because of the Paris terror attacks two days earlier.

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