Wednesday 2 March 2016

10 Ways To Improve Your S.e.o.

To get a lot of traffic on your website,you need a whole lot of backlinks from search engines. First and fore most,s.e.o. Means search engines optimization.
These are the ways you can improve your s.e.o. :

1.Submit your site : Before we start the discussinn,you have to submit your site,if you want to do so, go to Google webmasters by clicking here

2. Post contents and make most original : THis is the main hint,no content no traffic,always make most of what you post original.
SEarch engines credits originalty.
If you post duplicate content from other websites,it will be like spamming search engines and they hate anything spammy "BE ORIGINAL"

3.Speed up your load Time : :
Imagine when visiting some sites, you will spend about 30mins which is very very bad,the causal factors are too many images
Note: Search Engines like images but make it minimal

4.Traffic :
You need good Alexa Rank to improve your S.E.O.
If you are a newbie and you don't know the meaning of Alexa rank,search it ASAP.
You need many hits or pageviews to get good s.e.o.
That is why some newbies are always suprised seeing all most nairaland contents on first page

5.Choose A niche that comply with search engines terms : Always post topics on the niche you use and make sure the website you created is not for gambling,porn and some other adult contents,also remember search engines like new things,you can even create a new niche yourself

6.Embed your posts with images :
Like i said earlier,search engines like images,you know not all people can read and write,images can help them,include images in your post but don't let it affect your load time

7.Don't spam topics : Spamming thesame topics from thesame website is very very wrong,though google is a bot,it will surely see it so if you are doing it already stop it!
Delete it if you already did.

8.Url structure : There are some very bad hoster like WAPKA that don't use simplified url e.g. forum_edit_112572675.xhtml? prispevok=7007454723&hash=af90463a783 it ought to be edit_post Search engines hate that

9.Backlinks :
Hope you know the meaning of backlinks,if not: It is a situation whereby other sites are linking to you,
Warning : Don't buy it,search engines remove such website
If your site is not that popular and you need backlinks,go to some forums e.g. NAiraland,Adultbase and,am not saying should destroy them with irrelevant topics and spam them,post your topics there and put your source

10. Domain Name shortness and age:
This is why i always advice people to buy domain names before creating sites and make it short,for example,let us take this url for example : Mynameisvivianajasinblog &
which one did you think google will consider indexing first?,make the url short and memorisable.
Source :

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