Sunday 13 March 2016

Arms deal scandal: 11 major transfers traced to accounts in the US, UK, Niger

Further investigations into the $2.1 billion arms scandal from the office of the National Security Adviser has revealed that a large part of the said money was paid into 11 different accounts in United Kingdom, United States of America and Niger Republic
Some top members of the Peoples Democratic Party as well as top military personnel are already on trial for their involvement in the said diversion of funds while a lot more have been linked to the scandal.
The  Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in the course of its investigations, has traced some of the money to foreign accounts and according to sources of The Nation, the said accounts might be unearthed in a few weeks.

The EFCC is investigating if the purchase of technical equipment and the supply of vehicles were actually effected as they are stated to be the reason for the wire transfer to the said foreign accounts.
Also, the EFCC is interested in knowing if the cost of the items were inflated in the happenstance that they were indeed delivered.
Some sources were quoted to have revealed that some of the wire transfers were made through ONSA Foreign Operations Account No. 100367-USD-CABANK- with FBN Bank UK  and some through the Central Bank of Nigeria and some other banks in the country.
Transfers being investigated are as follows:
  • $10million (July 11, 2014) BSIC-NIGER, Code Bank NE 110, Swift Code BSAHNENI, Account 020383700112 );
  • $38million paid to Societe Nigerienne de Banque (H0064B0100125111123981/22 CODEBIC( May 20, 2014)
  • $16million to a different account in Societe Nigerienne de Banque (H0064B0100125111123981/41 CODEBIC (May 20, 2014)
  • €1,401,869 transferred to SONIBANK (Republique du Niger (October 2, 2013)
  • €1, 395,346.84 to another account in SONIBANK( Republique du Niger on December 11, 2013
*€2,252,252.25 wired to SONIBANK (Republique du Niger) on April 1, 2014.
  • $36million remitted into CitiBank N.A.Canada Square, Canary Wharf London E14 5LB on May 20,2014;
  • $5million to CitiBank N.A. Canada Square, Canary Wharf London E14 5LB on June 4, 2014
  • $30million to CitiBank N.A.Canada Square, Canary Wharf London E14 5LB on March 9, 2015
  • $50million to Deutsche Bank Trust Company in New York on March 9, 2015
  • $6, 954,000 to Deutsche Bank Trust Company in New York on April 21, 2015
A source in EFCC told The Nation newspapers that: “We have succeeded in retrieving documents relating to some funds that were wired abroad by ONSA. We were able to identify more than 11 foreign accounts and the actual remittances.”
“Already, we are tracking what the funds were used for including payment for technical equipment and supply of vehicles. Our investigation includes determining whether or not the equipment were bought and delivered; and whether the cost prices were inflated or not.”
“This crucial aspect of investigation accounted for why some military officers were handed over to the EFCC for investigation. We are also collaborating with anti-corruption agencies in other jurisdictions to determine the validity of such transfers and confirm if the funds were not laundered.”
“The EFCC is being painstaking in its investigation to ensure fairness to all suspects under probe. The EFCC has recovered $2.3million from a suspect involved in the arms procurement contract scandal in the Office of the National Security Adviser.”
“The affected person is a contractor and not one of the military officers referred to this agency. He has more money to refund and we have decided to keep his identity under wraps until full recovery of the slush funds is made. We also do not want to reveal his identity in order not to jeopardize ongoing investigation.”

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