Thursday 3 March 2016

How To Influence The Interviewer To Your Favour

I must severally warn you that as much as the interviewer want to be seen as a friend, he or she will do everything with his or her reach and every trick in the book to make sure you fail as a result of his or her deep resolve to determine if you are the right candidate for the job in question. But your aim is to make sure you succeed. The only way you can accomplish this, is to influence and colonize the interviewers mind by putting up a first class performance during the interview.
Let us now see some of the things that the interviewer would be looking forward to from the very second you step into the interview hall. This things include.....
1 A positive disposition
2 A cheerful disposition
3 A smart disposition
4 A confident disposition
The interviewer will also be looking forward to result oriented, targeted oriented, efficiency and economy minded person.
There are more things the interviewer would be looking for as a criteria in determining whether you are successful and the right candidate for the job or not. These include....
1} YOUR HAIR: For men, keep it low as possible, it it gives you that. Much desire executive panache. For women just keep it simple and neat. Avoid bright coloured hair because an interview is not a carnival.
2} DRESSING For both men and women, wear suits unless told otherwise. Women should avoid wearing trouser suits, skirts suits are more preferable. Interview colours are black, gray and Navy blue. A situation where you do not have suits, do not borrow oversized undersized suits, always borrow normal size suits.
3} FERFUME; If you must spray perfumes (which is not compulsory or necessary} avoid harsh or pungent fragrance.
4} SHOES: Your shoe must match your attire. Black shoes is highly recommendable.
5} PUNCTUALITY: It is advisable to be punctual for the sake of stacking pressure or in case the venue has been changed.
6} FINALLY YOUR ENTRANCE Your entrance to the interview hall or room is very vital. Open the door and shut it gently behind you, walk with confidence, show no sign of arrogancy. But more importantly no fear.
NOTE: That when you make mistakes of shutting the door in front of you it practically shows that you are not conscious about your safety. When you walk so very fast it shows that you are under pressure. And when you walk so slow to the interview room, it means you're afraid. So walk majestically and confidently.
With this little ideas of mine I believe your next interview will be successful. Feel free to share your thoughts with us. Thank.

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