Sunday 13 March 2016

News ‘We’ll turn the economic disaster we inherited into a blessing’ – Lai Mohammed

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed says it’s impossible for him to have said the Nigerian economy is beyond the control of President Muhammadu Buhari.
Lai Mohammed, on Sunday, stated that his views were misrepresented and distorted to make it seem like he said the president can’t handle the nation’s economy.
He said the current administration has resolved to ‘turn the economic disaster inherited to a blessing’ by working assiduously to diversify the economy.

A statement released on Sunday, by Segun Adeyemi, SA to Hon Minister of Information and Culture, said: “On Saturday morning, I appeared on a Radio show here in Abuja at which I spoke extensively on the issues affecting our country, especially the economy.”
“To my surprise, my views were twisted and I was reported to have said that the economy of our country is beyond the control of the
“This is a gross misrepresentation of what I said. I could not have said our economy is out of the control of our President or the
administration he heads. As a matter of fact, this Administration has decided to turn the economic disaster that we inherited to a blessing by diversifying our economy.”
“I don’t know the reason behind the gross distortion of my comments on the radio today, but whatever the motive is, Nigerians should
disregard such distortion and continue to support our President and his Administration to take our country out of the woods.”

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