Wednesday 16 March 2016

Nigerian scam artists lose ‘N83bn’ worth of fake cheques, credit cards

Con artists, scammers and fraudsters lost N83 billion worth of financial transaction in 2015 as the Nigerian Postal Service revealed on Tuesday, that it intercepted tools for fake financial transaction- such as cheques, International Money Order and credit cards valued at the aforementioned sum.
The information was diseminated by the Acting Postmaster General of the Federation, Enoch Ogun, when he received the Chairman of the EFCC, Ibrahim Magu, at the headquarters of NIPOST in Abuja.
Ogun revealed that in collaboration with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, NIPOST also seized sensitive materials, including small arms, at its international mail sorting office in Lagos.
“We have been working together. In our major formations all over the country, EFCC officials are there; particularly, the International Mail Processing Centre.”
“With the collaboration, last year, we were able to intercept about N83bn worth of financial transaction tools. These come in the form of cheques, International Money Order, credit cards, etc. With the scanning machines we have and the collaboration between NIPOST and EFCC, we were able to intercept these things.”
“You can imagine what it would have been if those fake cheques and credit cards got to the public. The negative impact would be so much. The negative impact on our image in the international community is better imagined.”
The EFCC boss spoke on deepening the collaboration between the anti-graft commission and the postal service.
“We realise that in fighting corruption, every person is a stakeholder. We are here to thank you for the support so far given to us by NIPOST. We are also here to ask for more support to be able to succeed in what we are doing.”
“We need to create awareness about the evil of corruption both in the office and at homes. We need to tell our children at home about the evils of corruption because some people don’t even believe that corruption is wrong.”
“We are here also to remind you that what we are doing is for everybody. It is for everybody. It is just by divine intervention that we happen to find ourselves in EFCC but it is on behalf of everybody that we are fighting corruption.”

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