Thursday 14 April 2016

Comedian Shakara - Mistaken For A Kidnapper By Police

: Police Brutality Of Nigerian Comedian Shakara - Mistaken For A Kidnapper

Nigerian Comedian Mr Ebi Tubotu aka Shakara has issued a letter to the Inspector General of Police Arase and Airtel Nigeria Limited demanding for compensation, public apology over the brutal abuse of his fundamental human Rights when him and his family members were wrongfully arrested, beaten, extorted and publicly disgraced courtesy of the wrong information Airtel Nigeria provided to the Nigeria Police.

The inspector General of Police
Nigeria police force
Force headquarters
LOUISE edet house
Abuja -Nigeria


Unwarranted Arrest, Brutalization, Harassment And Intimidation of Mr. Ebi Tubotu (aka Shakara) by the police

We have been briefed and our professional services retained by mr. Ebi Tubotu (aka Shakara) (hereinafter referred to as our client) and we write you this letter on his unequivocal instructions. Our client is a professional comedian.
The briefing of our client reveals that on the 19th of February, 2016, he got information from Neighbors his father's residence that some policemen have stormed his father's Neighbor hood and started arresting the young men in the area.
According to them, the policemen led by inspector HUMPREY had arrested one Mr. Ovie whom they suspected to be our client, and when he told them he was not EBI, they demanded that he should take them to our client residence. The said Obie received the beating of his life when he told he does not know where our client lives.
Other three young men within the neighborhood who demanded to know why mr. Ovie was brin beaten up like common criminal were not speared, they were arrested alongside with ovie.

When the ordeal was on, Ovie who then noticed that the entire neighborhood was now aware of the presence of these gun carrying men persons, told them that he did not know where our client lives but that he can only take them to our client father's house.
In a commando manner, the policemen marched the said Ovie and the other three young men whom at this time, had been handcuffed to our client's father's house. When they got there, they forcefully gained entrance into the house and directed everybody in the house to come out at gun point. In the process, our client's father, Elder Joe Tubotu, his mother Mrs. Roseline Oweiware Tubotu, his brother and sister Godbless and TIMI Tubotu respectively were arrested. When our client's father demanded to know why were arrested. Inspector HUMPREY told him that they want our client who had been confirmed to have kidnapped a certain lady.
Our client's father who informed the police who is a well-known comedian within the entertainment world had never and cannot be a kidnapper. Our client father also demanded to know the nexus between his son and those in handcuffs but Inspector HUMPREY told him that he had no right to know and except he show them the hideout of our client, the police will take all of them to Lagos. Our client's father told them that they should release his wife and children as he was ready to take them (police) to where our client who is married with children lives.
The police bluffed the demand and loaded all of them Into to the vehicle. They drove to Ugborikoko police station, Effurun in delta state where they put Ovie and the others in police cell. Our client's father then led them to the OSUBI residence o our client.
On getting there our client's father called him and when he came out, the police pounced on him and started beating him with gun bolt in the presence of his family and neighbors while some o them started firing gun shots into the air. Our client who was wearing only boxer and singlet, was then handcuffed and asked to surrender his mobile phones which he did.
Thereafter, our client was taken away to the said Ugborikoko police station where he met his father's neighbors and member o his family in the cell. Our client appealed to release those young men that were arrested just because they live within the neighbor hood of his father.

Our client contend that at that stage, both his relations and friends have gathered at the police station to solicit for his release but inspector HUMPREY openly told them that our client I a kidnapper that cannot be released. At this stage, our client started crying and insisting that he must be shown his accuser and why on earth he had to face this horrible ordeal in the hands of inspector HUMPREY and the Nigeria police. Upon his insistence, one of the police officers who had earlier on took over his phones, asked our client to quote his Airtel Nigeria Limited phone number, our client quoted 08080300000. The officer dialed the number and the phone started ringing in his hand. Inspector HUMPREY compared the number of our client with a particular number and his countenance changed.
The junior officer who was with inspector HUMPREY immediately told him that the number that was giving to them is not the same thing as the number of our client. In a clear language, he told inspector that our client was an innocent person but inspector HUMPREY shouted him down and stated that The information given to them by Airtel Nigeria Limited cannot be wrong. He insisted that our client must be taken to Lagos. Our client then pleaded with inspector HUMPREY to allow him to wear a pair of trouser and polo that his wife brought for him but inspector HUMPREY bluntly refused.

Our client then bundled into the waiting police van and take to Lagos i.e Area M. Command, Nigeria Polive command Idimu. On getting to the station, officers on ground started calling our client a kidnapper heaping insults on him until he was handed over to another officer for interrogation. How our client's cell phone number was concluded to be the number the alleged kidnapper were using to demand ransom according to the police, remains a mystery to our client
Sir, after the interrogation, our client was taken before the head of the station. It did not take the superior officer thirty(30) minutes to know that his officer have brought the wrong person. He then ordered the release without making provisions for our client's accommodation, transportation and clothing.
Our client was released on bail after his surety was coerced to fulfill financial bail conditions. Our client contends that he was made to beg on the streets of Lagos like a destitute until his brother was able to locate him and gave him cloths to cover his almost frozen body that night.

Sir, it is clear from the above adumbrated facts that our client was unnecessary subjected to the worst inhuman treatment, intimidation and Brutalization by your men of the police force without any iota of regard for his fundamental human right as enshrine in the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.
We wish to state that our client was treated like a common criminal, convicted by inspector HUMPREY led team even before the investigation started.
Our client contends that the said public disgrace and violation of his fundamental human right by the police has damage his reputation and that of his family. Same has also caused both physical and psychological trauma to him and members of his family, particularly his wife and aged father. The irresponsible arrest on the false accusation that our client is a kidnapper has damaged his name and fame as a foremost comedian within the entertainment industry.
In view of the foregoing, we have our client further instructions to demand as follows:

1. Immediate investigation into the unprovoked violation of his fundamental right; the involvement of Airtel Nigeria limited.

2. The sum of N500, 000. 00 (five hundred million Naira) being damages for the unlawful act invasion of his private life and violation of his fundamental human right by your said officers.

TAKE NOTE that should our client's modest demand fall on deaf ears within seven (7)days of the delivery of this letter to your office, we shall be compelled to seek legal redress against you, the police service commission and those involved in a competent court of law without further notice from this office,
A stitch in time saves nine!

Yours faithfully

Anthony E. Duku Esq. ACIArb
(Principal Associate)

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