Tuesday 20 December 2016

BOI YES Programme, A Big Deceit, A Waste Of Precious Time By Adisa Edited By Kay

Six months after the commencement of the YES programme by BOI, not even a single person has benefited from the time invested to this initially promising scheme even after getting to the final stage (Plan Approval). NOT ONE!

The #YES programme has successfully wasted the precious times of young entrepreneurs who initially thought #BOI #YES_P would be their stepping stone to a greater future. BOI lied to these entrepreneurs, cajoled them to sign up for the programme, hid key terms of the loan and allowed these helpless youths to commit their time, resources energy, intellect for 60 solid days in online training from AMI ( A good exposure I must say) and a week in class training for which some participants had to travel long distances, feed themselves and pay for hotel accommodation. Imagine the stress nursing mothers and their babies had to go through for 6 days and probably more for some.

My major problem with BOI is this: why must you lie and lure thousands of youth to sign for the YES programme when you know that there are other terms and conditions you never disclosed initially to these youths until they have reached the final stage before telling them? Why? Is it because you knew if you told them early enough, many would not join the scheme because you also know only 1-2% of these entrepreneurs can meet such stringent conditions. BOI an organization I hold in high esteem has turned itself into a petty corporate liar.

To our great youth, whether you have started or not, there is one condition(A major condition) BOI never told you during the training but will inform you only when your plan is approved and I doubt many will meet such condition in time, if at all.


In the beginning, BOI only told us our POST SECONDARY CERTIFICATE is our security not this. But this is what they will tell you after your plan is approved. I have been there hence LISTEN!

Unfortunately for me, I can't meet such stringent conditions of N5m net worth of each guarantor. I was ready to drop my certificate but this I can not do, after much investment into this programme. I know many are like me, BOI deceived us into this programme but what can we do? How many young entrepreneurs can meet these conditions?

I strongly want to call on the Federal Government and all parties involved to ask BOI to revert to the original conditions with which this programme was advertised. We are sincere and excellent entrepreneurs to have made it this far and we are ready to contribute their quota in developing our economy that currently lies in a cesspool, but we need support, not one with impossible conditions as BOI YES programme is asking for.

To BOI, I thank you for time wasted, I strongly advise henceforth that you come out plain with the true conditions from day one and not cajol Nigerian youths into your failed YES programme filled with half truths. Have you asked yourself why not one person across the nation has benefited from this YES after 6 months? I will advise you maintain the certificate as security because it will be easily met by sincere youths than the 5m each (subject to loan sum requested), 2 guarantors, if truely the goal of your YES programme is to assist young entrepreneurs, contribute to the economy and take people out of poverty. Right now, You are not different from commercial banks, why do I need to waste my time with you if I have such guarantors in the first place. Only 1-2% out of 1200 from every batch will finally make that loan conditions defeating your aim of setting up such programme. So, please, think again on your conditions as many youth are already frustrated with your emergency post approval conditions.

To our youths, I must commend your courage, we have really endured this country despite the frustration everyday and everywhere. My encouragement to you all is to keep up fighting and look out for better deals and grants. For those who will fully meet the requirements, I congratulate you in advance and enjoin you to do your best to contribute your quota to our economy as required by the programme. We must not give up as entrepreneurs, if YES does not work out, there are other better programmes out there. For all your time and resources spent, take consolation in the AMI and in-class training which is truely rich and loaded. You must not give up in yourselves and in Nigeria, no matter the outcome of your YES application.

I have written all these to report what is going on that many are not yet privy to. This will help you prepare ahead and gather enough strength to carry on. This is also aimed at BOI to see the extent of damage that will be done to many of these great young entrepreneurs because of their initial lies.

BOI YES programme is actually a waste of my precious time and resources because I have invested my all into it with no funding to show after 6 months in the programme.


Edited by Origbo Kay.

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