Saturday 31 December 2016

Nigerian Nurse Threatens To Sue PUNCH NEWSPAPER Over Defamatory Publications.

A Nigerian nurse jude chiedu has threatend to sue the management of PUNCH NEWSPAPER over its consistent publications that have demeaned Nurses.

In an email to his solicitors at the Law House, titled "DEMAND FOR APOLOGY AND RETRACTION OF CONSISTENT DEFAMATORY PUBLICATIONS BY PUNCH NEWSPAPER AGAINST NIGERIAN NURSES", Jude chiedu of Nursingworld Nigeria explained that the title "NURSE" is protected by the legislative act establishing the nursing and midwifery council of Nigeria and as such only individuals registered and licensed to practice by the Nursing and Midwifery council of Nigeria are legally permissible to bear the title "Nurse"

According to Jude Chiedu, PUNCH NEWSPAPER has continually failed to acknowledge the fact that not every individual dressed in "white" uniform is a nurse. He added that these quacks whom the PUNCH NEWSPAPERS have consistently in their publications referred to as "NURSES" do not adhere to any laid down professional code of practice, ethic or conduct since there are no laws, standards or regulation that directs their practice.
Hear him "By always ascribing the title "NURSE" to these unscrupulous individuals, PUNCH NEWSPAPER has continued to demean professional nurses whom are legally authorized to represent themselves as nurses and to practice nursing.

PUNCH NEWSPAPER has by so doing, infringed on our legal rights to the "EXCLUSIVE" use of the title “NURSE” and the ensuing accountability and responsibilities assigned to 'US' who are entitled by law to bear it.

It is based on this premise that I seek your legal representation concerning these under listed defamatory publications in the PUNCH NEWSPAPERS as dated below:
1) NURSE dies allegedly performing ritual in Ondo published on August 17 2015
2) Police arrest NURSE for stealing baby published on August 10 2015
3) Police arrest NURSE for death of pregnant woman published on May 29 2015
4) Robbers rape NURSE in Lagos hospital published on June 2 2015,
These publications paint nurses in bad light and are being understood by any reasonable member of the society to mean that Nigerian nurses are ritualists, thieves, killers and incompetent.
By their persistent libelous and derogatory Headlines targeted at "Registered Nurses", PUNCH NEWSPAPER have brought Nigerian nurses to ridicule and damaged our professional image, reputation and integrity.

These publications wherein they have consistently failed to identify in their headlines and news contents “legally qualified nurses” from quacks have irrevocably damaged our integrity and standing in the eye of the Nigerian public.
It is on these grounds that I hereby instruct you to write to the management of PUNCH NEWSPAPER and demand in the strongest terms possible
1) An unreserved apology and
2) A retraction with immediate effect and with the widest possible coverage their most recent publication with the headline "NURSE dies allegedly performing ritual in ondo"
3) That they seize forthwith to publish articles without first clarifying the professional status of the individual as a Nurse or quack

Finally, I demand that if they fail to comply with the above within 14 days of your letter, you initiate legal steps against "PUNCH NEWSPAPER" and seek redress in a competent court of law.
We are yet to determine what the position of the National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANM) is on this issue.


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