Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Artist Photoshops Stars In Anti-Domestic Violence Campaign

Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Angelina Jolie and other Hollywood celebrities were brutally “beaten” and “bruised” as part of a campaign to stop violence against women.
Italian artist Alexsandro Palombo decided to draw public attention to domestic violence in a rather unusual way — he  took already existing pictures of top female celebrities and depict them as victims of domestic abuse.

Kim Kardashian and Kendel Jenner

Although heavily Photoshopped images went viral this week the stars are definitely not happy about it. Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner have already expressed their indignation, as the photos were used without their permission.

Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson

Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson

According to Palombo, “Break the Silence” campaign was conceived to mark the International Day for Elimination of Violence on November 25.
The artist said: “The biggest accomplice of violence is the silence, a silence which every year kills or causes permanent disability more than diseases or accidents. Domestic violence is a social cancer that knows no boundaries nor social status, it can affect anyone, whether you’re an ordinary person or a celebrity. To defeat him you need to use the antidote of culture by educating and raising awareness on Respect and Equality. Each of us has do their part to help increase awareness and to change things by any means.”

Madonna and Miley Cyrus
Domestic violence is violence by a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner. It affects men, women and children and often occurs when the abuser believes that abuse is acceptable, justified, or unlikely to be reported.

Kristen Stuart and Gwyneth Paltrow

Kristen Stuart and Gwyneth Paltrow
Intimate violence can take a number of forms including physical, verbal, emotional, economic and sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms, to marital rape and to violent physical abuse such as female genital mutilation and acid throwing that results in disfigurement, maiming or death.

Domestic murders include stoning, bride burning, honor killings and dowry deaths. As a result of abuse, victims may experience physical disabilities, chronic health problems, mental illness, limited finances, and poor ability to create healthy relationships.

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