With the emergence of space telescopes into the study of our universe,
the picture of the whole setting becomes clearer to us.. But one thing
is clear about this universe. It is random and can never be pin pointed or established a way of manifestation.. When we think we know, we learn something else new that contradicts that which we think we know.. The more we learn, the less we know and the more we realize that there is an infinite supply left to know.. There
are many Bizarre phenomenons in the universe that baffles us and goes
against our (so called) laws on how things work, it has taught us that
the universe as we know has no one way of working.. It is a random crazy result of reacting values.....
KNOWN UNIVERSE (Chances of discovering more that are even more
mysterious is undeniably certain)
(1.) TRES 2B Located
750,000 light years away from our solar system.. Tres 2b is an exo
planet that has baffled the astronomical community for years now.
Because this Huge ball of Gas Holds the record for the Darkest Known planet in our observable universe.
even though very near it's parent star reflects only 1% of the light it
gets and so appears to be monstrously mean and dark.
Tres-2b is a jupiter-like planet known as Gas giants but is larger than jupiter in diameter and mass.
to be made of gases that absorb light instead of reflecting them that's
why it only gives off 1% out of all the light it gets.
Because this Gas beast is extremely hot, it glows ominously red and dark giving it a rather mysterious mean and scary look..

comparing Tres-2b, earth and Jupiter in brightness scale..

(2.)55 Cancrie E
"Shine bright like a diamond" In Rihanna's Voice (My crush) 
It is said Diamonds and ladies are best of friends, so where are all my ladies at now because this planet is literally diamond..
40,000light years away from earth, this ladies friend has carbon
particles so dense that they appear in the form of diamond..
So imagine this planetary body, twice the size of earth made 80% of solid diamonds..
know what's going on in your mind now, what if we go and get this
diamond, but wait up it is far bigger than the earth so the diamond is
much more than the earth can hold.
And if we find a way to travel
and retrieve this diamond back on earth, diamonds will run at an
extremely common supply that it will be as common and stones and ladies
will then find a new best friend..
So we better leave it that way and just watch this baby from afar sparkling like an engagement ring..
next you sing "Shine bright like a diamond" By Rihanna, have this baby
in mind because that is the closest we have in the sky for now ..
And Someone remind Rihanna that Diamonds don't shine, they reflect light

(3.)Gliese 436
i told you in the starting lines of this thread, Nature has no one way
of manifestation.. So brace yourself because you are about to have your
Chemistry days ruined.
It is established in earth's chemistry
that when Ice is subjected to heat, it melts into liquid and eventually
evaporates if it continues to be exposed in extreme heat..
here we have this arch nemesis of this basic chemistry we know, Gliese
436B is an icy Neptune sized planet orbiting a red dwarf star.
planet burns at an extremely hot temperature of 439°C but still all the
ice components of this hot sweet heart remains intact and solid.
Literally Burning Ice.
intense gravitational pull of the planet compresses it's ice and
prevents them from evaporating into outer space even though the heat of
the planet is very very extreme..

(4.)HD 189773B Who ever is the one responsible for naming these planets deserves to be shot in the head
If i am the one naming planets i would have definitely named this one THE GLASS PLANET.
saying goes that who ever lives in a glass house, do not throw stones
.. so you probably should be careful with this because this is one of
This planet has an atmosphere made up of Silicon which
gives it a very bright blue colour but with an extremely hot surface
temperature the silicone solidifies into Glass.. Pure literal Glass..
This glass roam all over the planet, every where at an extreme wind speed of 400m/s.. This is surely no where to be at all..
(5.) Wasp 12b A moment of silence for this poor planet 
This is a bizarre sad sight of a planet being cannibalized by its own parent star.. it is practically being eaten up..
12b is a gas giant like jupiter orbiting a star named Wasp 12 but this
planet is very close to it's host star that it is an extreme hot ball of
blotted gas being sucked up by the star.
You can weep for it,
cry or wail but this planet is doomed to die slowly in a barbaric
cannibalistic treat by it's own host star that is just about like our
own Sun..
It looses Billions of metric tons of it's mass every
second... the humongous effect the star has on this poor planet and the
lose of it's materials has turned this body into a blotted oblong shape
(Egg like shape) instead of round..

(6.)Gliese 581c
This planet is strangely a candidate for possible life forms ..
The third planet on it's planetary system, the Gliese 581c is an interesting but strange planet that orbits a red dwarf star.
this planet just like our own moon is Tidally locked in it's axis ..
which means it does not rotate in it's axis but one side of it always is
facing the star while the other side is always facing away from it.
For people who might have been wondering why the moon always has one face towards us.. Here lies your answer ^^^
Gliese 581c being a tidally locked planet has the side facing the star
to be always in day light and expected extremely hot that it can melt
any living organism on it instantly (so this side is out of the question
for life)
The other side of the planet facing away from the star
is always dark and extremely cold that it hold a freezing threat to any
thing on it..
But in between the hot and cold zone there is a
thin line called the twilight zone (That is where the hot and cold
meets) this region has a temperature that is just right for life ..
581c is a remarkable rocky earth-like planet that probably holds a lot
of promises for us even though it is based on a little strip of gap in
But who knows "Between two dark clouds, there is a
silver lining" this saying might turn out to be true in this case after

(7.)Wasp 17b
those people that always make Jupiter out to be a Gigantic Planet,
Sorry to burst your bubbles but Jupiter got beaten to a Dwarf in the
face of this Giant Ball of Gas.
Located 1,000 light years away.
In fact this Planet is so big that it contradicts how large we think a
planet can get. A planet was never thought to ever get that big..
once again that nature as we know it always has a surprise for us and
we shouldn't always base our expectations based on what we know but
expect new things with each steps.
This planet has proved to us
that contrary to our views, planets can actually and in fact get that
big More than 3 times the size of the monstrous Jupiter but relatively
very low density ..
And it keeps getting strange.
Planet holds another surprise for us, It is has a Retrograde Orbit..
This type of planetary Orbit goes counter-wise the rotation of it's host
planet which was the first we observed. . . That was quite a strange
thing for us and questions what we know about planetary formation and
orbital expectancy ..

(8.)HD 18853 AB Again if i am responsible for naming these planets i would name this one Triple Trouble (T2
This planet is in a triple star system, this literally means it has Three Suns.
imagine looking up in our sky and seeing not our usual 1 beautiful sun
but 2 and 3 adorning the sky like bright balls of glowing trouble.
That would have been a sight to kill for, this is exactly the case in this our planet i call T2
has 3 stars in it's system, that is three light sources and so if you
were there you would always have 3 shadows like footballers playing
under the flood lights in the night.
And not to talk of witness the most beautiful of sunsets and also eclipses would be much more frequent. ..

people who might have the Impression that earth holds an impressive
amount of water, this is for you.. You may want to think again because
this Planet will blow your mind.
Located 42light years away from earth, this planet earns it's nickname in the science world "THE WATERWORLD"
this planet is made entirely of water all around it, no land but just
water all over the planet and runs deep until you meet the core coated
in ice..
This planet may possess clouds (Still unsure) but the
amount of water this planet hold makes earth's oceans look like Child's
The water world is impressively a mysterious planet because
i doubt if any of us here ever thought there would be a planet made of
entirely of water..

Kepler 438b This by far remains the most promising planet we have so far in terms of Alien life possibility. Kepler
438b located 470 light years away is almost a twin to earth, orbits its
star in the Goldilock zone just like the earth (Not too hot or cold
zone also called Habitable Zone)
It is a Rocky planet and has
every required condition to maintain just about the same amount of
liquid water and geographical formations as earth.
This remains the top captain among all the Exo-planets classified to be earth-like.
Because we are earth-based life forms, we judge other planets based on their similarities to what we know which is Earth..
according to the EARTH SIMILARITY INDEX if the earth is classified 1
(100%) we have many planets that are similar to earth with figures like
0.70 (70%), 0.86 (86%).... etc
But kepler 438b is 0.88 (88%) in the scale, so imagine it.. A planet that is 88% similar to what we have here on earth..
it get any better than this? of course with more study we may discover
planets that might come as close as 0.96 or funny enough planets that we
might even regard to be more suitable for life than earth itself ..

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