Monday 14 March 2016

News ‘He’s a liar’ | Malawian President blasts TB Joshua over negative prophecy

The President of Malawi, Peter Mutharika, on Sunday, slammed popular Nigeria pastor and founder of Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), T. B Joshua, over a recent prophecy that the president will die before April 1.
According to media reports from the small South African country, T.B Joshua had earlier told his congregation to pray for leaders in southern Africa, saying that: “End of February to April this year are peculiar months for Southern Africa.”
The Malawian president was quoted to have said that: “I’m told there is a man in Nigeria called Joshua and he is saying that Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and Peter Mutharika will die before April 1,” he said, in reference to TB Joshua.

“Let me tell you, Joshua… you will fail. What you did in 2012 will not happen again this year.”
Mutharika questioned the ability of Joshua to prophesy, recalling the 2014 collapse of a guest house at Joshua’s church in Lagos that left more than a 100 people dead, a large majority being South Africans.
“Why did he not foretell this tragedy?” the president asked. “This all shows that he is a liar. He just wants to raise money.”
Mutharika, who came to power in 2014 after defeating the incumbent president, stated that he will live long enough to contest the 2019 and 2024 presidential elections.
In 2012, Joshua allegedly predicted the death of Mutharika’s elder brother, the then president of Malawi.

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